chapter seven ♡!

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"why are we going to the mall?" taehyung questioned, looking at yoongi.

"well, jimin and hoseok want to buy some stuff. and there's an arcade there. so i thought, why not go along and ask you guys too, it'd be fun." he said.

"oh, okay." taehyung said, following yoongi. jeongguk trailed behind them, watching as jimin and taehyung linked arms.

"you guys are riding together right?" yoongi questioned the duo, jimin happily nodding.

"okay. we'll see you there." yoongi said, leaning in and giving jimin a quick kiss on the lips, hoseok doing the same right after.

taehyung and jimin made their way to jimin's car, getting in while jeongguk rode with hoseok and yoongi.

"you guys are so sweet." taehyung said with a soft smile, referring to jimin and his boyfriends.

"really? you think so?" jimin asked, his face lighting up.

"yes! it's adorable!" taehyung said.

"thank you." jimin said, grinning. taehyung turned on the radio, a catchy song starting to play. him and jimin sang to whatever was playing the whole way there, both of them getting into the music and singing dramatically.

their voices were worn out by the time they got to the mall from screaming/singing, both of them out of breath too.

"did you two run here or something?" yoongi asked, noticing their tired demeanor.

"no. we had an intense karaoke session in the car." jimin explained.

"cute." hoseok beamed, pulling jimin close and giving him a big kiss.

"where's jeongguk?" taehyung asked softly, mainly to himself as he looked around the mall with wide, worried eyes.

"he's in the bathroom." yoongi explained.

"oh, okay." taehyung said, standing patiently and playing with the end of his sweater, feeling the soft fabric between his fingers.

"taehyungie look! it's your favorite store!" jimin said, pointing to a store on the other side of them.

"i know! jin only takes me there on special occasions." he said, his eyes longingly staring at the store which consisted of pastel clothes and stuffies and tons of pretty makeup. it was his favorite.

"why don't you go in there now?" jimin asked.

taehyung bit his lip, debating it before nodding eagerly and running over to the store, entering.

cute indie pop music was playing on the speakers as he looked around the shop with a wide smile.

"hi there, is there anything you need help finding or anything i can help you with?" a feminine voice said from his left. he turned and saw a pretty girl with long strawberry blonde hair and a super thin waist.

her name tag read "rosé."

"no thank you, i think i'm okay!" taehyung replied.

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