chapter thirty-two ♡!

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the lunch table was tense, taehyung silently eating his fries and holding jeongguk's hand under the table while jimin was leaning against hoseok, staring off into the abyss.

"are... you guys alright?" yoongi asked, looking between the youngest two.

"peachy." jimin mumbled.

taehyung just frowned, he felt guilty for blowing up on jimin. yet he had no right to disrespect chanyeol the way he did and imply that taehyung shouldn't be his friend.

"he's just too nice."

too nice? what's wrong with being nice? jeongguk was super nice and there's nothing wrong with him, what was the difference?

"baby, wanna tell me what's going on once we're done with school?" jeongguk asked quietly.

taehyung slowly nodded, lifting his gaze to jeongguk.

"okay. smile for me, i don't like seeing you frown." he said, smiling at taehyung.

he couldn't help but to smile, jeongguk's bunny smile was contagious.

"there it is, so pretty." jeongguk whispered, caressing taehyung's cheek and kissing him softly.

taehyung blushed, kissing him back slowly before pulling away. he loved jeongguk so much. he always knew how to make him happy in even the worst of times.

"where did you get that from?" jeongguk asked curiously, pointing to the jewellery box in his lap.

"he got it from chanyeol as a gift. he said it'd look very pretty on taehyung. isn't that a bit odd?" jimin spoke up, with a suggestive tone in his voice.

"babe..." yoongi said warningly.

"i just find it interesting that he shows up and gives him a gift out of nowhere, talking about how he 'thought of taehyung' right when he saw that and thought it would look so pretty on him. isn't that interesting?" jimin asked again, his voice getting louder.

taehyung frowned, staring at his friend. he didn't like how angry he was beginning to sound.

"it's pretty suspicious, right? this random guy suddenly takes interest in taehyung and showers him with affection? and when his best friend suspects there is something up and tries to warn him, he just blows up in his face and disrespects their friendship instead?" jimin asked loudly, irritation laced in his words.

"jimin." yoongi said firmly.

jeongguk stared at jimin with confused eyes, while taehyung's bottom lip was wobbling, and his eyes were becoming wet with hot tears.

"what??" jimin snapped at yoongi.

the oldest looked hurt, seeing the fury in jimin's eyes.

"you're making him cry." hoseok whispered in jimin's ear. the boy averted his gaze to taehyung, who was staring at the floor with his shoulders shaking every time he inhaled.

glistening teardrops dripped from his face to his shoes, causing the table to go silent.

"i-i've got a test to make up." taehyung whispered, quickly getting up and running out of the cafeteria.

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