(m) chapter twenty-nine ♡!

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hi! this chapter will be mainly smut, so if you do not feel comfortable reading it please skip!

"c-can... can we have sex?"

jeongguk's eyes widened significantly as he stared down at taehyung. "do you really want to, baby?" he asked gently, rubbing his waist.

taehyung nodded, his face red and hotter than the sun.

"yes, i do. i'm ready." he whispered.

"i don't know if we have any like lube or condoms and stuff here..." jeongguk murmured, getting up and searching through the drawers.

he went into the bathroom and looked in the drawers, finally finding a condom and lube.

he walked back out into the bedroom, seeing taehyung laying shyly on the bed, against the headboard.

jeongguk set the things down on the nightstand and crawled onto taehyung again, attaching their lips passionately.

taehyung gripped jeongguk's hair, tugging on it gently as they kissed, hearts beating in sync.

jeongguk slowly pulled taehyung's sweater off over his head, revealing his smooth tummy.

taehyung blushed even more, feeling jeongguk's lips trail down his chest to his belly and playfully nipping the skin.

"s-stop~" he whined, giggling softly when jeongguk blew raspberries on his tummy.

jeongguk smiled, leaning in and kissing along his jawline and neck, his hands supporting his weight on either side of taehyung's head, caging him in.

taehyung moaned softly, feeling jeongguk suck on his skin and gently nip at it.

he tugged jeongguk's shirt off, dropping it to the side as his hands slid down his chest, feeling every muscle he had to offer.

taehyung squeaked when jeongguk started pulling down his pants, revealing his red and yellow winnie the pooh underwear.

jeongguk just laughed softly, cooing and kissing his cheek. "baby, i like your underwear~" he teased, causing taehyung to whine from embarrassment.

jeongguk grinned at his reaction, kissing him more.

taehyung tugged off jeongguk's sweatpants, revealing his thick thighs.

taehyung watched as his v-line disappeared underneath his boxers and led to a prominent bulge in his underwear.

he blushed even more, looking back up at jeongguk.

the older just smiled, caressing his cheek and kissing him again.

taehyung sighed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around jeongguk's neck and resting his hands on his broad shoulders.

the older leaned down and pressed their bodies together, his hands grabbing taehyung's thighs and pulling his legs to wrap around him.

their lips merged together swiftly, jeongguk gently biting taehyung's bottom lip and swiping his tongue over it, dipping it into his mouth. their tongues met, swirling and dancing around as they moaned into each other's mouths.

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