chapter twenty ♡!

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taehyung climbed off of jeongguk, waiting for him to get his crutches before they headed downstairs.

on the table was contents consisting of a korean barbecue, taehyung's stomach rumbling at the sight.

jeongguk sat down beside taehyung, both of them serving themselves and grabbing what they wanted off the trays.

"thank you, ms. jeon!" taehyung said gratefully.

"oh of course! eat up." she said, smiling and sitting across from them.

taehyung blushed as he felt jeongguk's hand slide onto his thigh, keeping it there.

taehyung took the first bite, humming. "so yummy." he said softly.

jeongguk smiled, kissing his cheek and eating himself.

they sat in a comfortable silence for the next thirty minutes or so, occasional chatter and questions about each other's day being asked.

once they were finished, taehyung helped jeongguk's mom with the dishes while his boyfriend was finding taehyung some clothes to wear upstairs.

"you're very sweet, taehyung. i'm glad jeongguk has someone like you." she said.

"oh, thank you." he said shyly, blushing as he dried a plate and put it in the cupboard.

"it's honestly surreal to me... i'd have never thought i'd be with a guy like him." taehyung muttered.

"oh honey, why do you say that?" she asked, looking over at him.

"well, he's very popular and well liked. and he's incredibly handsome as well. i still don't know how he managed to notice someone like me." he said softly.

"don't let stereotypes bring you down, sweetie. these are one of the many reasons people struggle with confidence or making friends. society pins certain people as this or that because of what they do or their social ranking. there are plenty of kids out there who are just as popular as jeongguk who are completely different once you get to know them." she said.

taehyung nodded, smiling softly. "yeah, you're right. i guess i've been worrying too much. it's one of the reasons why people don't like me either. i have a stereotype as well. but if they got to know me, then they'd realize i'm not some freak who's a gay pervert." he said.

"they really think that about you?" she asked with a frown. he nodded gently.

"yes, pretty much. there have been so many rumors spread about me too so the story has changed and everyone has an opinion on me." he muttered.

she scoffed, setting the dish cloth down. "that is not okay! i'm going to talk to that principal of yours and force him to smack some sense into those kids!" she huffed.

taehyung giggled, biting his lip. "it's okay ms. jeon, you don't have to do that. i'm glad i have my friends and jeongguk by my side. i don't need everyone to like me. i just need them to be okay with my presence." he said.

"you're such an amazing boy taehyung. don't ever change. you're so optimistic." she said.

"thanks. i'll try not to." he replied, smiling softly.

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