chapter twenty-four ♡!

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"woah... it's getting really bad out there." taehyung whispered, sitting up in jeongguk's bed and peeking out his window.

it was now nighttime, around 10 pm. taehyung and jeongguk were laying together, reading a book as the storm occurred outside.

giant snowflakes were falling from the sky quickly, coating everything. nothing could be seen through the empty white, as taehyung was unable to see the fence of jeongguk's backyard. the wind was howling and it looked freezing.

"yeah, we will probably be snowed in tomorrow." jeongguk said, sitting up as well. he wrapped his arms around taehyung's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder.

taehyung was now dressed in one of jeongguk's sweaters and just his boxers, while the other wore sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"once the storm passes we will go buy some presents for everyone and start wrapping them." jeongguk murmured, kissing his neck.

"okay... i hope no one is trapped in the storm." he whispered.

jeongguk laughed softly, rubbing his tummy and giving his neck a few more kisses. "you're so sweet, baby. i'm sure everyone is alright." he said.

taehyung gasped. "what about jimin??"

"hey, don't worry. yoongi texted me earlier and said that he was at hoseok's house with jimin." jeongguk explained.

"oh, good." taehyung whispered, his heart rate slowing down to a normal pace.

"you don't have to worry baby." jeongguk whispered, leaving slow kisses on his shoulder and neck.

taehyung sighed, closing his eyes and tilting his head back as he enjoyed the kisses being given to him.

"i'm sorry for being so dramatic and worried all day, you're probably annoyed with me." taehyung mumbled.

"don't be sorry, it's perfectly okay. i'm not annoyed one bit. i think it's sweet." jeongguk said, sucking on a spot underneath his ear.

taehyung blushed, eyes opening as he bit his lip.

"t-that feels good."

jeongguk hummed, continuing to suck on his supple skin and create red and purple hickeys all along his neck.

taehyung moaned softly, tilting his head and giving jeongguk more access.

jeongguk smirked with satisfaction, happy that he could pleasure taehyung just by a few hickeys.

"gguk..." he whispered, turning to face him.

"what is it baby?" he asked, caressing his cheek with his thumb.

"i just want you to know that i'm.. n-not ready for sex yet. the whole thing makes me scared. i've never done anything like it before, let alone just kissing someone." he said.

"i know baby, i know you're not ready. it's okay." he said.

"i'm sorry... i feel bad." taehyung said.

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