chapter thirty ♡!

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taehyung woke up the next morning, snow lightly falling outside the window.

he whimpered when he felt how sore his lower half was, surprised a bit. his back was pressed to jeongguk's chest, the older's arm tightly wrapped around his waist.

jeongguk had rested his face in the crook of taehyung's neck, breathing hot air against his skin.

taehyung smiled, lifting up his hand and running it through jeongguk's fluffy hair.

jeongguk groaned, tightening his grip on taehyung's waist. "mm, what time is it?" he asked tiredly.

taehyung reached over to the nightstand, checking his phone. "it's 9:53." he said.

jeongguk sighed, snuggling into taehyung more. "how are you feeling?" he asked quietly.

"sore. but good." he admitted, smiling shyly.

despite the fact that his lower back and pelvis hurt, he felt so much brighter and light than before.

it was like he just went to a full body spa session. he felt relieved, calm, and comfortable.

"that's good baby, want me to get you some ibuprofen?" he asked.

"yes please." taehyung said.

jeongguk nodded, slowly sitting up and climbing out of bed.

taehyung blushed and bit his lip as he watched jeongguk walk towards the door, his ass, thick thighs, and muscular back on full display.

taehyung's eyes widened when he also saw bright red scratch marks all the way down jeongguk's back.

"oh my goodness..." he said to himself, blushing even more.

he couldn't get over how perfect his boyfriend was, still watching as he left the room and disappeared into the kitchen.

taehyung sat up, pulling the soft blankets with him to cover most of his body as he waited patiently for jeongguk to return.

when he came back, captain was trailing behind him, and he had a glass of water and two small pills in his hand.

taehyung became flustered again since jeongguk's dick was now on full display.

he took the water and the pills, consuming them in a few sips. "thank you." he said, smiling up at jeongguk.

"you're welcome gorgeous." jeongguk replied, kissing his forehead before walking over to the dresser to change.

taehyung slowly got out of bed, wincing slightly. "ow.." he pouted, making his way to where his clothes were stored and slowly changing into some nice grey sweatpants and a fluffy sweater.

jeongguk was wearing something similar, black sweats and a grey hoodie.

"you okay, sweetie?" he asked, grabbing taehyung's hand.

"yeah, i'll be alright." he smiled, holding onto jeongguk as they went into the kitchen. captain limped around excitedly, his tail wagging as he looked up at them both.

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