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Lance: Guess what

Lance: Wait I bet you're all asleep

Lance: Come on guys

Lance: It's three am you weaklings

Pidge: I'm awake. I'm always awake.

Lance: Sup Pidge

Pidge: Sup

Pidge: What were you going to say

Lance: Idk

Lance: Life is so boring at night when everyone's asleep

Keith: I have an idea for you

Lance: Yeah?

Keith: Why don't you sleep too

Keith: Then maybe you wouldn't be bored

Lance: Seems a bit hypocritical coming from you

Keith: I woke up because you were being fucking annoying leave me alone

Lance: Damn feisty

Pidge: Keith needs his beauty sleep

Lance: That doesn't make sense Keith isn't beautiful

Keith: Do I need to remind you about my knife collection

Lance: No no no I'll sleep

Pidge: I won't

Keith: Whatever just don't spam the chat

Shiro: Why aren't you guys asleep

Lance: Because life is too short to spend it sleeping

Shiro: Damn true

Keith: Will everyone just shut up

Shiro: Sorry Keith

Shiro: You should sleep though

Keith: I kNOW

Lance: Night Keef

Keith: Knives

Lance: Okay

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