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Lance: Hey

Hunk: Hi

Pidge: Hi

Shiro: Hello

Lance: Does anyone want to Skype

Lance: I'm a bit of a mess though so sorry in advance

Keith: Did something happen

Lance: I don't want to talk about it

Keith: So something happened

Lance: I said I didn't want to talk about it

Keith: Fine

Keith: I can Skype if you want and Shiro's around too

Hunk: I'm kind of busy cooking dinner but I might join you later

Lance: K

Pidge: I'm studying but could do with a break

Lance: Cool calling you guys now


[Lance and Keith's chat]

Keith: Are you okay it looks like you've been crying

Keith: I'd ask aloud but I didn't think you'd feel comfortable talking aloud

Lance: I'm fine

Keith: Talk to me

Lance: There isn't anything to talk about

Keith: Bottling it up won't get you anywhere

Lance: It's my parents, okay?

Lance: They were being homophobic and it hurts

Lance: They're supposed to love me unconditionally

Keith: I know but parents suck

Lance: How can something so small make them hate me?

Keith: I really don't know but maybe you could educate them more

Keith: So they understand being bi isn't a bad thing

Lance: It's hard to bring up when my parents always shut me down though

Keith: I understand that

Lance: No you don't

Lance: You don't have any parents so you wouldn't understand how I'm feeling

Keith: Just because my parents left me doesn't mean I don't know how important they are to you

Lance: You don't know though

Lance: My parents have been there for me through everything and now they hate me and you will never understand how that feels

Keith: I understand more than anyone how it feels to be unloved and disowned. My mum walked out on me when I was just a baby and my dad died. Don't you dare tell me that I don't understand how important a parent's love is because I do. I just never had any of it.

Lance: I'm sorry

Keith: Leave me alone Lance

Lance: I didn't mean

Keith: Too late the damage is done.

[EmoKid ended video call 34:56]

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