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Pidge: Omg Lance I'm sorry I tried to convince you to drink

Lance: It's okay

Keith: Did I really start crying because I couldn't see you and thought you had been abducted by aliens

Lance: Why would I make that up

Shiro: I'm sorry you had to be the dad last night

Lance: It's okay I just wanted to keep you all alive

Lance: Wait do you know if Hunk got home safely?

Pidge: I thought you took him home with you

Lance: I thought he was staying with you

Lance: Shit we lost Hunk

Shiro: Calm down

Keith: Where did you have him last

Lance: I don't know

Lance: Shit what if he went home with Adam's cute cousin

Adam: Which cousin?

Lance: Idk?? The cute one??

Adam: That doesn't help me

Lance: How many cousins do you have

Adam: Four

Lance: Call them all and see if they know where Hunk is

Adam: Okay

Shiro: I hope my child is okay

Lance: Me too because it'll be my fault if he isn't

Shiro: No it won't it will be mine for drinking too much

Lance: It was your stag night?? You deserved to let yourself go

Adam: He's with Shay

Adam: She's one of my cousins

Lance: I hope she didn't take advantage of him

Adam: I'm sure she didn't. She's probably my favourite cousin

Hunk: She didn't

Hunk: She's asexual too :)

Lance: Then I approve

Shiro: Me too

Hunk: You don't need to approve of all my friends??

Lance: Friends yes sure buddy

Hunk: Ugh I have to go

Hunk: Looking at my phone hURTs

Keith: Same

Adam: Same

Shiro: Me too

Lance: ...

I'm in a good mood today!! I got my A-Level results :) I didn't do as good as I wanted to in psychology but did just as good as I wanted to in business and English. I got into the university I wanted to so yay!! Good luck to anyone else who got their results today too lol.

Also, whilst I've (hopefully) got your attention, I'll be releasing a new book soon. It should be up once I've finished with this one so in... about a week?? I thought I'd just release the blurb to see how interested you are with it ^~^

As a brand new paladin of Voltron and brave defender of the universe, Keith's life had changed drastically. Stumbling across the blue lion was enough to turn his entire life upside down, especially since it removed all familiarity and routine from his life. All he wants to do is find a secure routine and stick to it to avoid all chances of having a meltdown. Surrounded by new people and keeping a large fraction of himself secret from his new team, Keith needs to figure out how to get by.

That's proven difficult when he encounters his first obstacle: space goo. The texture was all gooey and sticky; it stuck to Keith's teeth in a way that had him picking it out for hours. He hated it. Living in space sure wasn't going to be easy.

I dedicated a lot of time to this book lol. I had to do a lot of research as I worked with the head cannon of Keith having autism. I haven't written a full length book about a character with autism so I really hope I've done it justice. I just love that head cannon so needed to write something for it!

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