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Lance: Why is Iceland called Iceland and Greenland called Greenland when it would make sense if the names were the other way around

Pidge: I can answer this one

Lance: Wait I don't care

Keith: Vikings and shit

Lance: How are you guys anyway

Keith: Absolutely perfect man

Keith: It's not like it's five am and you just woke me up with a stupid question or anything

Lance: That's good to hear ^-^

Keith: It was sarcasm!!

Lance: Does it look like I care?

Keith: I can't see you

Lance: Oh yeah lol

Lance: Do my texts make it look like I care?

Pidge: Someone's sassy today

Lance: My middle name IS sass for a reason

Shiro: You told me your middle name was razzle dazzle the other day

Lance: You can have more than one middle name right

Shiro: I don't know

Keith: Razzle dazzle

Lance: You called

Keith: Guess what

Lance: What

Keith: You're a loser

Lance: Ouch

Pidge: Good one Keith *high fives*

Keith: *high fives*

Lance: And once again you all gang up on me

Hunk: Me and Shiro are remaining neutral

Keith: Shiro

Shiro: I'm on Keith's side

Lance: SHIRO

Shiro: He scares me

Hunk: I'm neutral

Lance: I thought we were friends Hunk

Hunk: Sorry man

Pidge: Do you want to know a fun fact?

Keith: Sure

Pidge: Lance once told me about a time he met a girl and he went up to her and just did finger guns and said razzle dazzle

Lance: You weren't supposed to tell anyone about that

Keith: Tell me more

Keith: How'd the girl respond?

Lance: ...

Pidge: She shouted "what the fuck" apparently

Keith: Everyone's natural reaction upon seeing Lance

Lance: This is bullying

Pidge: I think it goes without saying that Lance didn't get a date that day



Shiro: Language

Pidge: No

Hunk: You know Lance once accidentally asked a teacher out in school


Keith: Interesting

Hunk: He thought she was a student

Lance: She was pretty okay

Hunk: Yeah yeah

Lance: I'm hurt by you all

Keith: Good

Lance: I have to go now

Keith: Okay bye

Lance: Bye...

Pidge: I hope you know we were joking

Lance: I do because you love me really :P

Keith: Of course we do Lance.

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