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Keith reached out and grabbed Shiro's arm before he could race out of the room. Shiro's eyes were wide and glossed over with tears, contrasting how happy he had been when he had first put the suit on. His hands were trembling and that much was obvious from just looking at him. "Shiro," Keith muttered, making Shiro lift his head to look at Keith. "You love Adam. I can see it whenever you look at him."

"I can't do this, Keith..." Shiro murmured, glancing down at the flower on his suit. A single tear dribbled down his cheek but Keith reached up to brush it away.

"I know you can, okay? You've been so happy planning this wedding for months. I've never seen you so happy before. You're just nervous. Adam wants to spend the rest of his life with you and I know it."

"How do you know that? Maybe we're just young and stupid. Maybe he'll regret marrying me."

"Breathe for me, Shiro." Shiro scrunched his eyes shut, inhaling deeply. "You're panicking but, trust me, you don't need to cancel the wedding."

"Why would Adam ever love me, Keith? I'm messed up." Shiro choked out a heavy sob, beginning to hyperventilate again. Keith wrapped his arms around his brother and rubbed his hand against his back in comforting motions.

"You're not messed up."

"I am though. Keith, I still... I still haven't told him about my..."

"Your PTSD?" Shiro nodded his head, as if it was something to be ashamed of.

"He knows my parents died in a fire but doesn't know the extent of how it affected me."

"Oh, Shiro... You need to tell him. He won't mind."

"I can't lose him."

"You won't."

"I can't-" Shiro sat down on one of the chairs, placing his head in his hands. He was trembling and his breathing was far from regular. Keith had dealt with Shiro's panic attacks and flashbacks for years but he wasn't sure how to approach that one. All of their friends and Adam's family were waiting for him to walk down the aisle to get married but how could he do that in such a state?

"I'm going to get Adam. You two need to talk."

Shiro didn't say anything because he knew that was for the best. Keith raced out of the room, almost bumping into Lance on the way through the halls. He eventually made it to Adam's room, not bothering to knock on the door and just bursting in. "Adam, you need to talk to Shiro. There's something he needs to tell you."

"But it's unlucky to-" Adam started, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Fuck conventionalities. He needs you right now."

Adam nodded before following Keith back into Shiro's room. The moment Adam laid his eyes on Shiro's, he began to tear up and Keith wasn't sure if that was because Shiro looked good or if it was because he was in a state. Keith left them to talk.

A long twenty minutes later, Shiro emerged from the room with a soft smile on his face. "I'm ready." He murmured, linking his arm with Keith's.

"Let's get you married then."

Shiro grinned, the fact that he was about to marry the man he loved finally hitting him. Adam emerged from the room, shot Shiro a smile and then left. Keith just about caught a glimpse of Adam mouthing what looked like 'I love you' but Keith had never been the best at lip reading.


Also I doubt anyone noticed but earlier on Shiro said the date for the wedding was August 18th... I uploaded this chapter on August 18th lol.

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