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I'm uploading this from an airport! How cool :p

Pidge: I am back in the land of Italia

Lance: How's the pizza

Pidge: You stereotypical bitch


Pidge: Good

Shiro: Is Hunk back yet?

Hunk: Apparently so

Shiro: Good to know you had safe flights

Keith: Yes it's always relieving to know our friends didn't die in a tragic plane accident

Shiro: Exactly

Pidge: ...

Shiro: Can I ask you guys for advice?

Pidge: Of course

Pidge: Asking Lance might not be the best idea though

Lance: I heard that

Pidge: You were meant to

Lance: Ouch

SpaceDad removed Adam from the chat!

Lance: Oh shit he removed the boyf

Shiro: Adam has been ignoring me since he called me his fiancé... should I be worried?

Keith: Oof

Lance: I don't think so

Lance: He probably wasn't ready to talk about marriage or thought he'd scared you or something

Pidge: Wise words from Lance? I didn't think I'd see the day

Shiro: You think?

Lance: Yep. Marriage is a big thing for most people so it probably freaked him out. I suggest talking to him about it

Hunk: ^^

Shiro: Thanks Lance

Lance: I mean I'm kind of stupid so my advice might suck

Shiro: No it was really good :)

Keith: I'm sure things will be fine with Adam

Keith: You two are like... soulmates

Shiro: Thanks Keith

Lance: Keef stop stealing my spotlight >:(

SpaceDad added Adam into the chat!

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