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It's currently one in the morning and I can't sleep because there's a thunderstorm and it's really hot. Naturally, I update.

Hunk: Hey, how's everyone today? :)

Pidge: As good as you can be when dosed up on coffee and minimal sleep

Lance: Same dude same

Shiro: I'm okay

Adam: I'm good too

Hunk: What are you up to?

Shiro: I'm watching Disney movies with Keith and Adam

Hunk: I love Disney

Pidge: I'm doing some schoolwork

Lance: Boooooring I'm playing video games

Lance: There's something so satisfying about killing people

Shiro: Don't let anyone take that out of context

Hunk: Yeah don't

Hunk: Wait why isn't Keith talking in the chat

Shiro: He shrugged

Lance: We had an argument I don't think he wants to talk to me

Hunk: 0_o

Pidge: What did you argue about?

Lance: I don't want to talk about it

Lance: I was a jerk

Lance: HE was a jerk too

Shiro: I'm sure he was being a jerk but you should talk about it

Lance: He is the one being immature and not talking in the chat

Pidge: Damn

Shiro: Keith told me to tell you some very rude words I do not wish to repeat

Lance: ...

Lance: I've got to go

Pidge: Everything okay?

Lance: No

Lance: But I need space

Hunk: Lance don't bottle it up

Pidge: ...

Pidge: I hope he's okay

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