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Lance: I'm not crying my eyes are just watering

Keith: You just

Keith: You just sobbed

Lance: You have no proof

Adam: I feel I've been left out of something here

Shiro: You've only missed out on a beautiful reunion between Lance and all his best friends for his birthday

Lance: Next time Adam can come so I can ASSess him

Adam: Assess??

Lance: Uh yeah? If you're going to become my new dad I need to know you're good enough

Adam: Oh right

Keith: I already approve of Adam

Lance: Well I need to meet him too

Shiro: I'll bring him to your next surprise party

Lance: WHEN

Keith: If he tells you then it won't be a surprise party anymore you dumbass

Shiro: Language

Adam: You two are adorable

Adam: I'm proud of my children

Shiro: If you're both my children this is incest

Lance: Incest?

Lance: More like In(the)best

Keith: What

Shiro: What

Lance: Dick

Lance: ****idk

Lance: Sorry Freudian slip

Keith: What are you on

Lance: Exhaustion

Keith: I'll be right back

Lance: Lmao he just walked out without saying anything aloud

Adam: Humans are weird

Shiro: Agreed


Lance: Omfg Keith just came home and brought me Starbucks™

Lance: I've been blessed with the best boyfriend on the planet

Shiro: I raised Keith right :^)

Keith: Ew what is that face

Shiro: :^)

Keith: It's ugly like you

Shiro: Maybe I raised him wrong after all

Adam: No child of mine calls my fiancé ugly!

Shiro: Fiancé??

Adam: Shit wait

Adam: Can you hear that? It's my phone ringing! I have to go

I'm going on holiday tomorrow for a week so probably won't be updating as frequently. I'm sorry!

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