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[Shiro and Keith's chat]

Shiro: You okay?

Keith: Why wouldn't I be?

Shiro: I can hear you crying

Keith: I'm fine

Shiro: What's bothering you?

Keith: Nothing

Shiro: Obviously something...

Keith: Leave me alone

Shiro: I'm coming into your room

Keith: Don't you dare

Shiro: Fine then tell me what's wrong here

Keith: I told Lance I liked him

Shiro: Okay... then what happened?

Keith: He said he liked me too but we couldn't date

Shiro: Did he give you a reason?

Keith: No

Keith: Do you think he said he liked me to protect my feelings or some shit

Shiro: Lance wouldn't do that

Shiro: I'm sure he has a good reason not to date you

Keith: I can't exactly ask him

Shiro: Why not

Keith: That's weird

Shiro: You should ask him


[Keith and Lance's chat]

Keith: Hey Lance

Lance: Sup

Keith: Shiro made me ask so

Keith: Why can't you date me?

Lance: I don't want to answer that question

Keith: Is it because you lied about having feelings for me

Lance: No no no

Keith: Then why...

Lance: I just can't

Lance: Maybe I'll tell you one day but not now

Keith: Whatever

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