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Shiro: ...

Keith: Yes?

Shiro: I'm too embarrassed to come downstairs and tell you in person so I thought I'd announce it to the group chat

Hunk: Everything okay?

Shiro: Adam actually does want to be my boyfriend

Shiro: He just got scared

Lance: I knew he couldn't have been stupid enough to not like you

Lance: I mean you're hOT

Keith: Stop talking about my brother like that

Lance: I'm sure him being your brother isn't the only reason you don't want me to call him hot ;)

Keith: Lance shut up for once will you

Lance: *jazz hands* how about no (I think this is my favourite line. It's so stupid that it makes me laugh so hard whenever I read it. I relate to Lance so much.)

Shiro: I'm going on another date with Adam tomorrow

Lance: I'm jEaLoUs

Keith: SHUT UP


Shiro: Yes Lance please lighten up with the flirting I am a taken man

Hunk: And you should be flirting with someone else hello

Lance: HUNK NO

Keith: What?? Do you like someone?

Lance: Of course not

Lance: I break hearts I don't get my heart broken *finger guns*

Hunk: Tell that to the girl you dated a few years ago

Keith: Who do you like then?

Lance: NO ONE

Keith: Give me a hint

Lance: No

Hunk: They're oblivious as fudge

Lance: Did you just censor yourself

Shiro: This is why Hunk is my favourite child

Shiro: Hey Keith can you come to my room so we can sort an outfit out for tomorrow

Pidge: You're asking KEITH

Pidge: That boi has never been on a date

Keith: Uh yeah I have



Keith: I have been on a date!!

Pidge: Describe it then

Keith: ...

Pidge: Exactly

Lance: I will personally change the fact that you haven't been on a date

Keith: Are you asking me out?

Lance: NO

Lance: I meant I'd set you up with someone

Hunk: That's 100% what you meant

Lance: What's your type then?

Keith: My type is nonexistent

Lance: Come on you can't bask in your emo loneliness all the time

Lance: So bottom or top?


Pidge: I'm just going to go and grab some popcorn over here

Lance: Sounded like the response of a bottom if you ask me

Keith: Will you just shut up

Lance: I will find you someone

Keith: I'm leaving

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