2.5K 108 27

Lance: Keith where tf are you

Keith: I'm in the kkitchen

Lance: Why am I the only one sober here honestly

Hunk: I didn't drink that much

Lance: I watched you take like five shots back to back

Hunk: Righgt

Lance: I am not the responsible adult here

Lance: Why is Keith passed out on the kitchen table

Lance: He literally texted a minute ago

Pidge: Alcohol makes people woooozy Lonce

Lance: If you ever call me Lonce again I will find you

Hunk: ADam's cousin is here and she's so cute goDDAMN

Lance: Hunk don't swear you're too wholesome

Shiro: All of my children are so duenk

Lance: You're drunk too

Lance: That's it I'm taking you all home

Shiro: Thisi s my hosue

Lance: I don't care you're going to have a hangover and hate it in the morning

Lance: I'm getting some water for you all. Get off your phones and come to the kitchen

Lance: Hunk where'd you go

Hunk: I'm talking to the pretty girll

Lance: No sex because you're drunk and can't consent

Hunk: LiGhTen Up

Hunk: I'm aCE anyway

Lance: You'll thank me in the morning buddy

Lance: This is a mess

Lance: I'm not having a stag do when I get married I don't care

Pidge: Lonce you need alcohol

Lance: I also need my symptoms of depression to go away but you can't have both

Pidge: You're borign

Lance: Yeah right

Lance: Ffs why is Keith crying I thought he had passed out

Lance: Remind me to never have kids

Lance: You're all lucky I love you

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