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I have a random question just because I want to prove a point to my fam. Have you ever had a savoury crepe? Do you like them? I literally made my family walk for like half an hour to find a creperie so I could find a savoury crepe. It tasted amazing (it's probably one of my favourite foods) but I want to know whether anyone else loves them like I do. Yes I am uploading twice today with the sole purpose of asking this question.

Lance: Apparentlu I died for like ten seconds

Lance: Apparently

Keith: Shit are you okay???

Lance: Yeah just high on some pain relief shiy

Keith: I'm glad you're okay

Lance: Can I tell you a secret

Keith: Sure

Lance: Don'ttell Keith but I'm bi

Keith: ...

Hunk: Buddy!!!! You're awake! How are you doing

Lance: I feel like a unicorn floating in the cloudd

Hunk: Is that a good thing?

Lance: Yeaj

Keith: Me and Shiro are going to come and see you, is that okay?

Lance: I need my daf

Lance: Fad

Lance: Dad

Keith: Okay we'll be there in a few hours

Keith: Pidge can you find out which hospital he's at

Pidge: Of course

Lance: Pigeoon

Lance: You're name is cool

Pidge: Of course it is

Pidge: Also *your but I'll let you off because you're high

Lance: I should hnage my name

Pidge: You should what?

Lance: Change my name

Sharpshooter changed their name to Bicorn

Keith: Lance wtf

Lance: Heh get it

Lance: Uni means one but bi is a seuxalit

Lance: sexualtoyi

Lance: Sexyaklyi

Keith: It gets worse every time

Lance: Guess what

Pidge: What

Lance: I'm hiigh

Keith: We know

Hunk: Obviously

Lance: I'm high and bi look that rhythms

Lance: Rhynens

Lance: Rhymes

Pidge: High Lance is smarter than regular Lance

Lance: Who's Lance

Hunk: You're Lance

Lance: What's a Lance

Hunk: You is a Lance

Lance: Funyn name for a tree

Keith: What

Lance: I like trees


Keith: Wow 

(This chapter makes me laugh because same Lance. Just same.)

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