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This chapter is really sad and could be triggering. I'm warning you now.

[Hunk and Lance's chat]

Hunk: Hey buddy

Hunk: I heard what happened between you and Keith and I just want to make sure you're alright

Lance: I'm fine

Hunk: It seems so out of character for you to 'experiment' as Keith put it

Lance: Maybe you don't know me at all Hunk

Hunk: I admit I don't know everything about you but I know enough

Hunk: The Lance I know isn't that insensitive

Lance: Well I'm sorry then.

Hunk: What's going on? Please don't push me away

Lance: I'm fine

Hunk: I know you push people away when you're depressed. You did that last time

Lance: Are you seriously going to bring that up? You finding out I self harmed is hardly the same as this.

Hunk: Lance

Hunk: Tell me what you're thinking

Lance: Why should I?

Hunk: Because you're my best friend and you always will be

Lance: Just leave me alone, okay? You don't know me at all.

Hunk: Yes. I do know you. You're Lance and you're flirty. You're confident on the outside but get anxious on the inside a lot. You crack a joke in the worst of situations but always find a way to make people feel better. You put everyone else's needs before your own and that's probably why you're pushing me and Keith away. You think it will make us care less.

Lance: I'm sorry Hunk

Lance: I lied about so much

Hunk: What did you lie about? I'm sure we can fix it

Lance: I'm straight and I hate my life. My dad hit me once and my thighs have been slowly filling with scars ever since you found out about my arms over Skype. I crack jokes because my self confidence is so low that I need people to laugh at me so I feel important

Lance: When really I'm not important at all

Hunk: You ARE important

Hunk: You're one in a million and no one could ever replace you. There isn't anyone I'd rather have as my best friend

Lance: I think I'm going to do something stupid

Hunk: Stop

Hunk: Breathe

Hunk: Do you want me to Skype you?

Lance: No please don't

Lance: I can't do it Hunk

Hunk: Lance where are you and what are you doing?

Lance: I'm so sorry

Lance: You're better off without me

Lance: So is Keith

Lance: And Pidge and Shiro

Hunk: Lance

Hunk: Listen to me

Lance: I have to go

Hunk: Wait no

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[Group chat (Pidge, Shiro, Adam and Hunk)]



Shiro: Calm down. Are you sure?

Hunk: YES


Shiro: I doubt we could drive there on time...

Hunk: Don't you dare give up on my best friend

Shiro: I'm going to call 911. Lance is going to be okay

Hunk: Hurry up

Hunk: I can't lose my best friend

Adam: He'll get through this

Hunk: I hope so

Hunk: If he doesn't then it's my fault.

Pidge: How??

Hunk: I didn't notice until it was too late

Pidge: I didn't notice either

Hunk: But I've known him most of my life

Pidge: Still

Shiro: Lance should be okay as long as the ambulance arrives on time

Shiro: I need to tell Keith. I'll add him back into the chat.

SpaceDad added EmoKid to the chat!

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