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[Keith and Lance's chat]

Keith: Lance

Lance: Keith

Keith: There's something I really need to talk to you about

Lance: I'm listening

Keith: Please don't judge me

Keith: I think I like you

Lance: ...

Lance: Of course you do we're friends

Lance: I know I argue with you sometimes but it's all a joke really

Keith: That isn't what I meant

Lance: What did you mean then?

Lance: Oh

Lance: You want to date me?

Keith: Well... yeah

Lance: This is hilarious

Keith: I'm not laughing

Lance: I like you too

Keith: You mean..?

Lance: Yes

Lance: But we can't date or anything

Keith: Why not?

Lance: I just can't

Keith: Is it because we live far apart?

Lance: No

Lance: Even if you were right beside me I don't think I could date you

Keith: Oh

Lance: I'm really sorry

Lance: I hope we can stay friends after this

Lance: I mean we'll probably laugh about it soon enough

Keith: Yeah

Lance: Lol

Keith: Shiro just got back from his date so I've got to go

Lance: I have to go too anyway because my parents are calling me

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