
496 17 0

Published 9/14/19

So this is what dying feels like . I thought it would feel a lot different, that the weight on my shoulders would be lifted off and that it be warm and welcoming not ......this. Cold. So so very cold. Like I was out in a winter storm with no protection. How could this happen. The person I trusted the most was the one who killed my family. This world truly does love playing tricks on me.

I was trapped in a world of Darkness. Floating in a never ending Abyss. Was I dead? Is this heaven or is this hell? I never thought either of those places would look like this. Is this where you go to die? No if I was dead I wouldn't feel this excruciating pain in my chest.

"Come on dear, come on back, these boys really need you" a familiar little old lady's voice echoed through out the darkness.

I was blinded by a bright light as I opened my eyes. Quickly I shut them as they watered from being blinded. When I open them again the brightness of the lights were turned down. After blinking my eyes a couple times everything came into Focus and was no longer blurry.

I was staring up at The Familiar ceiling of a hospital. I felt like I was in another world as my eyes slowly swept across the room. Stopping on the little old lady hero. That I have met only but a few times.

She gave me a gentle smile. As I took in a deep breath I broke out into a coughing fit. I tried to sit up but my body was stricken with pain. Slowly bringing my hand to my face I pulled down the oxygen mask.

Recovery Girl disappeared from my vision and came back a few moments later with a cup of water. Helping bring my head up just a little and bringing the cup of water to my lips.

Greedily I drank the contents in the cup. Recovery girl took the cup away from my lips and set it down on a near by table. "How are you feeling dear?"she asked while sitting in a chair next to my bed.

"Like I died" i rasped out. My voice scratchy and weak. A sad look over came her face. "That's because you did, your heart stopped for 19 minutes. Any moment longer and you and I wouldn't be having this conversation. " she told me bringing her hand up to cover mine.

So I did die. " how am I alive?" I questioned my eyes locked on her. "I'm not entirely sure. It my have been your advanced healing or maybe luck. Or maybe even the quick actions taken by some of your fellow classmates" she explained getting out of the chair and walking over to the IV stand Checking something on it.

My eyes widened slightly and Panic set in my chest. "My classmates are they alright? How is mister Aziawa? " I demanded trying to sit up only to fall back down in pain. Taking a sharp intake to not scream out. "Your classmates are all alright nothing more than a couple scratches. As for mister Aizawa he is on a road for quick recovery. " she said a smile on her lips.

"Also dear.... when I took an x-ray of your chest I saw something" she started to explain.

" I know what you saw, and there's nothing you can do to help me." I cut her off.

"Maybe with treatments.. " she trailed off.

" nothing can save me from this. And I don't want to be saved from it" I told her.

" alright dear it's up to you but if you change your mind please come to me as soon as you do" she begs.

"Does anyone know I'm alive?" I asked looking back at the ceiling changing tge subject. " all the professional Heroes know but as for your classmates I do not believe so. Would you like me to inform them?" She asked me. Looking over her shoulder from her position at the IV stand.

" no I would like to be the one to tell them. How long until I get out of here?" I asked her.

"Well most of your life threatening injuries have been healed but I would give it another day before you can leave just to make sure everything is ok. But are you sure you want to leave? You are still in rough condition." She told me coming back over to me, putting the oxygen mask back over my mouth and nose.

"Yes, I'm sure" I confirmed.

" alright dear, if you say so. If that's the case, then you should get a lot of rest tonight but before you do there are some people who would like to ask you some questions, if that's alright" I nodded and watched her as she walked away towards the door, she looked back, over her shoulder at me and gave me a smile before leaving closing the door behind her.

I turn my head looking out the window seeing that the sky was dark and the moon was shining bright.

Jiraiya you better be prepared a storm is coming your way. And nothing will get in its way.

After a moment I heard the door open and turned to see All Might, Aziawa and Principle Nezu along with a police officer walk in.

"Hello miss we just have some questions we would like to ask you. Please answer them with the best of your abilities" the office spoke pulling out a note pad and pen.

I gave a slight nod.

"What's your relationship ship with the ice villian that attack UPJ?" he began his interrogation.

My fists clenched the sheets that covered me.

"He was my mentor and adopted father" I stated dully.

"Did you have anything To do with the attack or any knowledge of it before hand?" came the next question.


"Can you Give me all the information on the ice villian?"

"Back in America he was a hero, he was known as the shadow hero: ninja. His quirk gives him the ability to travel and control shadows. I was not aware of his ice quirk till the attack"

"Why was he after you? Why did you try to kill him? "

"He's after my quirk, and................ He's the one who murdered my family" I hissed the last part.

Before he could ask anymore All Might stepped forward.

"I think that's enough, don't you? She did just awaken" he said getting infront of the officer. Blocking his view of me.

"Fine then. I will head back to station and right up the report. But I will be back for further questions" the officer stated not sounding happy at all.

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