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Published 7/10/2020
So anyone a Kpop fan here? I'm a multiStan. Who is watching
I-Land? I'm kinda obsessed with it and can't wait to see who makes it to the end and becomes idols.

It was time.

I stood in the center of the arena with the same dumb blonde bitch from earlier.

So this was Malty. Stupid name for a stupid bitch.

"From the hero course, Maria Galveston!" Mic yelled out and the whole stadium erupted into roars as people cheered for me.

Guess they're not scared of me anymore.


"from B-Class, it's Malty Melromarc!"
She dramatically flipped her overly long hair and did a few pervy poses.

" The rules are simple. Force your
Opponent out of bounds, or immobilize them! You can also win by making your opponent say, I give up!" Mic went over the rules again.

"START!" Mic screamed.

I slid my foot back and got into position. I had no clue what her quirk was but I would definitely win.

I was caught off guard as Malty lost her ignorance look. Her pupils dilated and a crazed look appeared on her face. Her head tilted to the side giving her an even more crazed look.

A sick smile made its way onto her face.

"You 1A scum think your so amazing, huh? Think you're better than everyone else?" she chuckled.

My eyes narrowed as I watched her movements.

" I don't think I'm better than anyone" I stated. Using my quirk I used the leftover water from earlier to create a serpent. It's long body wrapped around me and hissed at Malty.

" I know I'm better" I smirked and my water serpent charged at her.

She jumped high into the air and successfully Dodged the attack. Her long hair escaped its ponytail and lit on fire.

My snake went to attack her again, but I was blinded as soon as it hit her. A large amount of steam-exploded from where she was, the force pushed me back a bit.

what the fuck?!

"Her hair got longer?! And it's on fire!!" Mic screamed.

So her quirk is her hair. I should have guessed.

A long sharp flaming piece of hair shot out of the steam towards me.

I barely had time to dodge the attack.

Glancing at it I was shocked to see it had the same texture as Kirishima's skin when he has his quirk activated.

But what I didn't see was the second strand of hair come up behind me and wrap around my ankles.

It pulled me out of the air and slammed me into the ground. I winced and was about to try and get up but before I could the hair tightened around my ankles and started dragging me across the ground. Spinning me in a circle around her.

"hahaha. Just admit it! You're pathetic! Give in to your darkness" she screamed at me. Her eyes were crazed.

I grunted in pain as I was slammed into the ground again.

but what she said next made me freeze.

"You should have died that day! You should have died along with your pathetic family"

I felt her hair grip the back of my uniform before ripping a giant hole in the back showing the world the scars on my back.

The large screen that showed our battle focused in on my back.

The stadium all gasped in shock and it was deadly silent.

A shadow casts over my eyes as I pushed myself up onto my hands.

" You're so pathetic. Even let your old man beat you. Ahahaha" she crazily laughed at me.

"Your fucking dead...." I could feel something inside of me starting to snap as a cold sensation started to spread out across my body.

I felt like I had a little devil whispering in my ear. Telling me what to do.

How the fuck did she know this? Only a few people knew about what happened to my family and me. But then it hit me. She said give into my darkness. Only one man has ever said that.

She lifted her hand and held it up to her ear. "Im sorry what did you say? Gotta use your big girl voice"

My head snapped up towards her as my eyes glowed gray. "I SAID YOUR FUCKING DEAD" I screamed no longer holding back. For a moment I embraced what my little devil whispered.

I launched towards her leaving a Crater where I once was. She didn't even have enough time to react as I slammed into her.

With the force, I hit her with I dug her body into the ground lifting the concert floors and creating a trail until we came to a stop.

I felt nothing but anger, rage. I wanted nothing more than to see her bleed.

Using her hardened and flaming hair she made a barrier around herself.

I was using all my strength to punch her hair. I could see it starting to crack under my attacks. I couldn't feel my hands burning from the fire I couldn't feel any pain. I could only feel the lust for her blood.

The need to see the life leave her eyes.

The sky started to grow dark as angry storm clouds blocked out the sun. Lightning was flashing across the sky.

"Galveston-san! Enough! You have to stop" Midnight screamed at me.

I didn't even look at her or Cementos. I would not let them interfere!

I no longer had control over my body.
I just knew I had one thing on my mind and that was to kill the bitch under me.

Using my blood manipulation I controlled the 2 heroes. I blocked their quirks and made them unable to move.

Their screams seemed to egg me on.


Her hair shattered like glass around her. She had lost the crazed looks and stared up at me in pure fear. She was shaking badly as blood dripped down her nose and lip. Her face was covered in dirt and scratches.

"i-i give up" she stuttered completely and utterly terrified.

I raised my fist to end her. But something wrapped around it before I could bring it down.

I followed the fabric and found that Aizawa had left the announcer booth. His hair was flying all over the place as his eyes glowed red.

"Enough" his tone was firm as he glared at me. But in his eyes, I could see the sadness as he looked at me. He pitied me.

I slowly felt the cold sensation leave my body, I could now feel the burns and cuts all over my body. Glancing down I could see blood pooling from where the shards of hair had cut my hands and the burned skin from the fire.

I then realized what I had just done. If it wasn't for Aizawa I would have killed her.

His scarf released me, and I stumbled back away from the girl. He didn't say anything as he stared at me. I didn't speak as I ran out of the arena. No one chased after me.

But not before hearing.

"The winner is Maria Galveston from class 1A" Mic announced not sounding as excited as he was.

I was becoming my own monster.

I was giving in to the darkness.

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