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Published 7/4/2020

Plz follow me🙏 it helps me know people actually like what I do

I was to go against someone named Malty Melromarc. I didn't know what she looked like, or her quirk. I just knew that she was a B-class student. She would be easy to beat.

I had watched all the fights before me. My classmates were decent fighters. I was pretty impressed with them. They definitely trained for this.

But the match that really caught my attention was between Bakugo and Uraraka. Their match had just ended, I was very impressed by Uraraka. She had a strategy, she did very well. With more training, she could become a great hero. She definitely gained more respect from me.

" Villain!"

"How could you do that to her!"

People in the crowd started booing and yelling at Bakugo.

My eye twitched in anger. These bastards!



A giant lightning strike lit up across the sky as my fist made contact with the railing breaking it.

the stadium went deadly silent as all eyes went to me.

My eyes were dark and my body shook with anger. What was the cold feeling? It feels like it's devouring my body. It feels...... good. Like power.

"Enough. Say another word and I'll kill you all" my voice echoed throughout the stadium. Never had I ever heard my voice sound like that. It was loud and powerful.

Immediately the stadium full of thousands of people grew quiet. No one said a word.

"well that's not very hero-like" a male voice whispered from behind me, sounding scared but also cocky.

My eyes shot in the direction of the voice and saw that a B-class student was the one who had spoken.

But his classmates near him had their hands covering his mouth glaring at him. They looked to me and gave me nervous smiles and let out a nervous chuckle. Before taking a few steps back, dragging away the boy who had spoken.

I glanced back down at the arena and saw Bakugo was looking up at me. He didn't have any expressions on his face but he nodded his head at me before walking away. Exciting the arena. 

Slowly people began to talk once again, filling the large stadium with cheers.

I walked away from everyone and headed down the hall. It was almost time for my match anyway.

Hopefully, my opponent was decent. I needed someone good to fight. It was like my body was pushing for it. Like that cold sensation lusted for it.

I just can't use my Blood manipulation. It puts too much of a strain on my body along with creating storms. I'd have to stick with the basics of my quirk.

"oi," a deep familiar voice called from behind me. Stopping me in my tracks I turned and faced him.

Bakugo was the one who had stopped me. I watched as he walked closer to me only standing a foot away from me.

He didn't say anything for a moment, just stared into my eyes.

"Don't lose or ill have to beat your ass" he stated dead serious.

I tilted my head at him slightly confused.

His eyes widened and he looked away from me his face turning red.

"what the hell idiot! Don't look at me like that!" He yelled at me before turning and stomping away. His face still bright red.

Was that his way of wishing me good luck or something? I was highly confused, but for some strange reason, it did warm my heart.

He's such a tsundere.

But he's a cute tsundere........Wait?! Did I just call him cute!!!!

A groan left my lips and I slapped my face. I think I'm getting sick. I'm not thinking straight these days.

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