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Published 9/5/2020

Its been a couple of days since the incident with Katsuki. Yes, I'm still calling him by his first name. Only because he asked. We haven't talked to each other since what happened in the closet. I can't even look at him without remembering what happened.

How his lips felt on mine.

Everyone in the class had decided on what Heros they wanted to work with.

I had gone with Gang Orca. He's caught my interest since so many people are scared of him, due to him looking like a villain.

I had my neighbor watching Lulu Bell for me for the week. She was a sweet old lady I had met when I was coming home from school one day. I had helped her bring her groceries in. Now almost once a week she comes over with some kind of baked goods.

We all stood at the station with our bags packed. Aizawa had given us our hero costumes and was seeing us off. Along with giving us some basic rules.

"You all have your costumes, right? Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public. Don't drop them or anything." he was going over the instructions.

" make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internship! Off with you, now." he sent us off with a wave of his hand.

"Galveston. Wait" Aizawa stopped me. Gaining a few curious glances from my classmates.

"Yes, sensei" I glanced at him broredly.

"Be safe kid. Don't do anything stupid" he reached up and ruffled my hair. Shocking me.

I gave him a weird look "You sleeping enough?"

He glared at me and rolled his eyes at me "go get on your train" he pushed my head away from him.

I stared at him for a few more moments before I slowly nodded my head. "See ya soon" I waved him off.

I didn't have to wait long for my train to arrive. Hopping onto my train. I quickly took my seat getting right by the window. I had noticed something off about one of my classmates. Iida, he seemed darker, I don't know if anyone noticed it or not. He had a familiar aura around him. One very similar to me.

I did hear about what happened to his older brother, how he was attacked by the Hero Killer Stain. Wait!!! My head shot up as I looked out the window. He's gonna go after Stain! That dumb bastard!

He's gonna get himself killed. I rubbed my forehead in annoyance. I shouldn't give a fuck. I understand the lust for revenge is you lost someone, but the lust for revenge just because they were seriously injured I didn't.

His brother was alive. He would make it. Yet he was still going to go after Stain. A serious villain who we almost knew nothing about.

Hard to know something about someone when everyone who sees him ends up dead.

But oh well. He's none of my concern.

After about almost 2 hours on the train, I had finally reached my stop.

Once I exited the train station I immediately took out my phone, quickly typing in the address for Gang Orcas hero building.

It was about a 30-minute walk from here. Not bad.

🐟------- 30 minutes later -------🐟

I glanced down at my phone then back up at the building in front of me. I did that a couple of times.

The building looked like shit. This was a heroes organization? Disappointing. It looked ready to cave in on itself.

I walked into the building only to freeze. The inside was completely different from the outside. The walls were covered in high tech equipment with people running around wearing black suits.

"I see you're finally here" a deep voice snapped me out of my daze. Looking up my eyes landed on an Orca looking man.

"Ya, nice to see ya again Sir" I held my hand out to him. His much larger hand shook mine.

"it'll be a pleasure having you here. I hope you're prepared for what is to come during your time here. Just because of your condition does not mean I will go easy on you" he stated and started to walk away with me following behind him.

"You know?" I questioned him cautiously. Did the school tell him about my sickness? If so what else did they tell him?

" I make it my main priority to know who is walking through my doors" he stated.

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