
148 2 3

Published 11/8/2020

I was immediately taken by some of the Pros to where the city was on fire.
They had informed me that Gang Orca was the one who had called for me.

I didn't comment on how weak my body felt. How I felt like I could pass out at any moment.

I stood on top of one of the many buildings near the fastly spreading fires of the city.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. Focusing on all the closest bodies of water. The water towers, the fire hydrants, everything.

I slowly raised my hands until they were level with my chest. My eyes snapped open the same time I raised my hands above my head. The water towers Burst open and the fire hydrants snapped.

My arms moved around me as I controlled the water making it converge together above the buildings. I had never controlled this much water before.

It hurts!

Biting my tongue I focused on the giant floating orb of water.

I threw my hands away from each other and watched the water orb Burst and spread across the fires like a heavy downpour of rain.

"swoooo, damn kid. You sure your not a pro?" one of the heroes that took me here commented sounding very impressed.

I glanced at him feeling my head becoming light.

"Hey kid! You ok" he called out to me just as my eyes closed and I collapsed.

Hearing him scream for someone to call an ambulance.

---- Hosu General Hospital ----



I slammed my fist into the annoying beeping machine. Successfully shutting it up.

"well... I'm not going near her" a voice mumbled sounding scared.

My eyes shot open and I was immediately sitting up. Looking around the room frantically. My eyes landed on 3 familiar boys. All of them in hospital clothes wearing some kind of bandages. Taking a quick look over myself I saw that I was also wearing hospital clothes.

"Haha, hey maria" Izuku waved at me with an awkward smile. Being very cautious to make sure I wasn't mad.

I looked down next to my bed and saw a machine slightly smoking. So it wasn't my alarm clock.


"Are you feeling ok" Shotos cool voice questioned.

Looking at him I stretched and looked myself over. I felt no pain what so ever.

"im good, not even a scratch." I waved him off.

The three quickly filled me in on where we were and what had happened.

Izuku kept praising me on my quirk, saying how cool and powerful it is.

Iida was cut off as the door to the room opened.

standing there was Gran Torino along with another hero.

" oh, are you wounded kids awake?" Gran Torino questioned as he walked into the room.

" Gran Torino!" Izuku exclaimed excitedly.

" manual..." Iida whispered looking at the other hero.

" kid, I've got a lot of complaints for you." Gran Torino walked towards Izuku.

Izuku started to stutter out an apology but was cut off.

"But before that, you've got a visitor." Torino Motion to the door as a very large man-dog walked in.

The fuck? I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"Hosu's Chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae" Torino introduced the large dog man.

The three boys immediately started to get out of bed to show respect.

Me? I didn't move a single inch.

" oh, you can just stay seated, woof." I bit my tongue when he woofed.

Oh my goodness. I've never wanted to laugh so hard before!

I wonder if he would chase squirrel girl if he saw her?

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