
149 3 0

Published 10/9/2020

I launched myself forward. Sliding right between his legs just barely dodging his blade. I slammed my foot into his back making him stumble forward but he did a backflip and rotated his body in the air so when he landed, he faced me.

"I won't let you hurt them anymore" I growled getting into a fighting position.

He turned to me with a crazed look in his eyes. He looked excited. Like a real challenge had arrived.

"your the kid that one shadow freak wants" Stain stated as he charged at me. I dodged his attacks as we started to walk backward.

My eyes hardened into a glare as I knew exactly who he was talking about.

I jumped back away from him gaining some distance between us.

He held his katana at his side and a short dagger in his other hand.

" you're not like those other kids. Are ya? You have a darkness lurking inside of you" Stain smirked at me as he licked his lips.

" You're not a Hero, but you're also not a villain" I shifted and got ready for another attack.

"you haven't even used your quirk really. You're worth letting live. Just like that green-haired kid" he smirked.

"you want to see my quirk?" I questioned as I felt power flow through me as my hair flew around me wildly. "You want to see my power? Well here's a taste!" I screamed as I controlled the air to push past me at a great speed.

Stain slammed his katana into the ground trying to maintain his position.

"I don't have any hate for you Stain. What you believe is right. Not all heroes are good just like not all villains are bad! But killing them won't do shit! Where there is good there will always be bad and where there is bad there will always be good!" I yelled at him over the wind.

"If I wanted I could kill you with a snap of my fingers" I growled.

But in a blink of an eye Stain was gone. What?!

"Maria! Behind you!" Izuku screamed.

I turned around just as a dagger slid crossed my cheek slicing it. I felt a small stream of blood run down my cheek. Shit!

Stain landed in front of me and slowly brought his bloodied blade to his lips. About to lick my blood.

Without thinking I raised my hand "Nooo!!!" Stains body went stiff and his eyes shot to me. Shock clear in his eyes.

I could feel my body quickly becoming weak as I used my blood manipulation

"I-i can move!" Izuku cried out as he slowly stood up.

I glanced over at him and gave a sigh of relief. But for just a moment I lost concentration and Stain took it.

I gasped in pain as I glanced down at the large blade sticking through my side.

"MARIA!!" My three classmates screamed. Izuku and Todoroki were quick to attack as I fell to my knees holding onto the blade. Iida soon joined in the fight.

I grinded my teeth together at the pain. (he didn't hit anything important thankfully) I glanced up at Stain as he dodged Todoroki's ice.

He's a skilled assassin he knows how to kill people and where to aim. He wasn't aiming to kill me!

I lifted my hand and flicked my wrist, feeling my hair blow around me as it raced towards Stain. A sphere made of air surrounded Stain. Similar to the one I had used on Katsuki.

He grasped at his throat as I pulled the air from his lungs. "knock out" I whispered and he fell unconscious. I let his limp body fall to the ground with a thud.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I reached back and grabbed the hilt of his dagger, inhaling deeply I ripped the blade out of me with a whimper. Quickly putting my hands on the wound to keep the pressure on it. My fast healing would have this closed soon.

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