
159 4 3

Published 9/28/2020

As he took another step a blue flash crossed my eyes.

It was like I could see everything. But it was all black and blue. I could see Gang Orca's movements. It all seemed to go in slow motion.

Gang Orca appeared behind me and I gracefully dodged his fist.

Punch after punch I dodged his attack. I felt like I was predicting his movements before he even did them.

As he used his hypersonic waves I jumped into the air and glided over the top of the attack. I somersaulted over his large body. Landing on the ground without even making a sound.

"Good. Very good" he stood up straight. " you can take that bandanna off now" he stated.

Slowly I removed it and blinked my eyes a few times as I was blinded for a few moments.

I looked up at the Orca of a man who had a very proud look in his crimson eyes.

I know too many people with red eyes.

I wonder how everyone else is doing?

—— day 3 of internship ——

Gang Orca had decided to give me an easy day since I've been training non-stop for the last 2 days.

He told me that he and I would just take a walk around the nearby city.

As I dressed in my hero costume I paused as I looked at my back in the mirror. It was so ugly. The burnt flesh, the deep scars. A constant reminder of my past that I could never outrun. It would haunt me until my death.

I slid up my mask and excited the building.

We walked through the city until the sun began to set. People would look and point in our direction not many approached.

But all the peace quickly disappeared as the city irrupts into chaos. There was fire everywhere, people running and screaming. Villains were attacking!

"Get the people to safety" Gang Orca screamed at me as he charged towards where everyone was running from.

"Come on! This way! Get as far away from here as possible!" I barked out orders at the terrified people.

I felt my phone buzz, grabbing it I glanced at it quickly. It was from Midoriya, all it was, was a location.

Wait what if it's the league of villains! I had a mental debate for a moment before running off. Heading towards the location Midoriya sent me.

Using my quirk I ran there as fast as I could.

I halted in front of the alley. I could hear the fighting echoing throughout the darkness. Closing my eyes the flash of blue happened again.

Shit! It was Stain.

Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki along with another hero we're all down.

"Oi! Next time you want help give me some more information. " I called out as I walked into the alley gaining everyone's attention. "im so gonna get yelled at for this" I grumbled.

"Maria!" Midoriya cried out as he saw me.

I glanced at him quickly seeing all of them pretty beaten up.

my eyes hardened as I glanced at the hero killer. "So you're the hero killer?"

"They just keep coming. How many more will get in my way" he growled. His eyes were that of a killer. This should be fun.

"Maria, Don't let him cut you! His quirk relies on blood! If he cuts you you'll become paralyzed" Izuku warned me.

I glared at iida as he was Paralyzed on the ground. This was all his fault. What would have happened if I wasn't around?!

"I should have known you'd be the idiot to get yourself into this situation. You're blinded by rage and want for revenge" I hissed as I slid my foot back. And raised my fists.

"well guess what! Your brothers alive so be fucking grateful. Did you even consider your family before coming after this guy?!" I screamed over my shoulder at him.

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