
137 3 1

Published 11/29/2020

The three boys surrendered my bed.

I gripped the blanket under me tightly.

I clenched my eyes and took in a deep breath. "Just don't say anything till I'm done" I waited a few moments. Was I really going to do this?

Yes, I was.

"I'm dying" I smiled at them sadly as I opened my eyes watching their reactions.

I watched as their eyes widen and their jaws drop and as they began to stutter.

"As you already know I have cancer..... it's an extremely rare cancer that no doctor has ever seen before..... it's immune to quirks. And no one knows how to treat it" I watched as Izuku's eyes filled with tears.

"The night my family was killed and my house was caught on fire. I was told that there was something in the smoke. Since I inhaled so much that night I gained lung cancer from it....... for the last few years it's been pretty much dormant..... but after the USJ attack it's almost like reawakened..... and it's spreading fast" I blinked rapidly my eyes feeling wet...

What the fuck? I've never cried about this shit before!

"I was told...... that I have 3 years left to live... but it's been shortened because I've been using my blood manipulation and creating storms. The more stress my body is under the faster it kills me" I smiled as a single tear ran down my face landing on my hand.

"M-Maria" Izuku whispered and I felt my body being tackled into a hug. A sobbing mess of green hair blurring my vision.

I was stiff for a moment before slowly wrapping my arms around him.

I glanced at Shoto and saw him looking down at his feet, his hands clenched in fists at his side as his body shook.

I looked over at Iida and saw him starring down at his arm silent tears streaming down his face. His body also shaking.

"If-if you knew that using your blood quirk would hurt you.... then why did you help me!" Iidas eyes shot up towards me. His eyes blazing with so many emotions.

I gave him a small smile "long term Iida. That could mean the rest of your life. A hero needs to be in tip-top shape to save people."

Iida Bowed his head as he continued to cry. The door to the room slammed as Shoto left.

My heart hurt as he left. I knew he wasn't gonna be that happy but I didn't think he would act like this.

I returned my focus back to the crying boy in my arms. I started to see Izuku more and more as a brother. He was small, innocent, and cared so much about everyone.

"There has to be some kind of cure! Yo-You can't just die!" He sobbed.

"It's ok.... you still have me for a few years" I wiped away his tears, which didn't do much as they kept falling freely down his cheeks.

"Hey... hero's don't cry. They're big and strong" I smiled at him gently. No matter how hard I tried to distance myself I always find myself getting pulled back in even deeper than before.

I have to stop this......... I have to cut off my ties with them it's the only way I'll ever be strong enough to kill.... him.

—— Time Skip ——

It was the last day of the internship. I was packed and ready to go.

I looked up at Gang Orca with a small smile.

"It's been a pleasure having you Maria. I look forward to seeing you again" he patted my head.

I smirked up at the big guy and held my arms wide "Don't I get a hug?" He rolled his eyes before he opened his arms.

Excitedly I jumped up into his arm and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for teaching me"

He slowly set me down on the ground and smiled at me. His eyes were full of pride, happiness, and also sadness.

Since I've been here we have grown close. He's kinda like an Uncle or a friend.

"May we meet again" I waved at him as I walked out the door.

"May we meet again" I heard him repeat my words as the door behind me closed.

—— Time skip to U.A. ——

As I entered the classroom I froze as my eyes locked onto a very pissed-off Katsuki. But that's not why I froze..... his hair...

It was no longer spiky it was now all flat and gelded down.

I walked around him and stood in front of him "trying something new?" I smirked.

"You" he growled about to lunge at me.

"Hahaha, easy their tiger" I reached up and ruffled his hair, with a little help from the wind I had his hair back to its normal looking self.

With my hand still in his hair, I stiffened as a flash of what happened in the janitor's closet appeared in my mind.

My cheeks dusted pink and so did his as I quickly retracted my hand and speed walked to my desk.

Shit! I thought this would be easier.

We threw on our hero costumes and headed out to where we would meet All Might.

"Okay, I am here."

"Anyway, will start now. Right. It's hero basic training! Long time no see, boys and girls! How've you been?" All Might stood in front of us.

" For this time hero basic training— since you've all just gotten back from your internships, will have some fun with a rescue training race!" All Might went on.

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