
148 3 0

Published 10/30/2020

I ignored everyone as Todoroki dragged Stain behind him. I was in my own world. Thinking about how my life could have been different. Who would I be if my family was still here with me?

Glancing down at my wound I saw that it was already almost completely closed.

Just as we exit the ally an old voice calls out to us.

"Wha...? Why are you here?" glancing across the street I spotted a very short old man wearing a white and yellow hero costume with a black mask.

"Gran Torino!" Izuku panicked.

Must be the guy he's interning under.

In a flash, Gran Torino was in front of Izuku kicking him in the face.

Bored with them I glanced back at Stain, who was still unconscious.

Hearing fast approaching footsteps I looked up seeing multiple pro heroes approaching us.

They stopped in front of us quickly glancing over us.


" those injuries look serious! I'll call an ambulance right away!" one of them glanced at me looking at my waist that was soaked in blood. Oops.

"H-Hey, this is..." they glanced at Stain shocked.

" don't tell me... it's the hero killer?"


"--call the police, too!"

One of the heroes immediately went off to call some people.

"Are you alright? It looks like you lost a lot of blood" one of the heroes questioned me. Looking at me with concern.

"im fine, I heal quickly. Wounds are already gone" I brushed him off.

Hearing slow approaching footsteps.

I glanced behind me to see Iida standing behind Shoto, Izuku, and me.

"You Three..." he then bowed to us, his head hanging low.

" you were injured because of me. I am truly sorry. I couldn't... See anything... through my anger..." He stuttered out. His voice strained as he held back his tears.

" I'm sorry, too." Izuku apologized.

"even though you were feeling so concerned, I didn't notice at all. Even though we're friends..." he went on.

"pull yourself together. You're the class rep, right?" Shoto commented.

Izuku then lightly elbowed me in the side giving me a look.

Raising my hands in a surrender position "I got nothing to say." I shrugged.

"Maria...." Iida called out my name tears finally pouring down his face.

"im so sorry... Your right... About everything." he looked at me waterfall tears running down his cheeks.

Looking away I crossed my arms but not before waving him off.

I wasn't going to accept anything he had to say. Sorry doesn't cut it for what he did. He was selfish.

My eyes shot up to the sky as I felt air vibrations.

"Get down!" Gran Torino and I screamed as we spotted a large flying creature. Looking closer I saw that it Resembled the monster that was at USJ. I think they called it a Nomu.

Wait that means if it's here. Then......

In slow motion, its large claws wrapped around my midsection pinning my arms to my body.

In slow motion, my eyes locked with everyone around me. They all held fear and shock.


"-- MARIA!"

multiple people screamed out to me.

I could barely see because of how fast the Nomu was flying.

The Nomu let out a cry of pain as I felt its muscles go stiff and it slowly started to fall from the sky. It's claws holding onto me even tighter.

I saw fast movement on the ground, it was racing towards us with inscribe strength it jumped into the air.

Only then did I realize that it was Stain. My eyes widen in shock as he stabbed the Nomu in it's exposed brain. Sending it crashing to the ground.

When we hit the ground my body was successfully broken out of the Nomu's claws, Debri and smoke surrounded us from the force we hit the ground with.

My body rolled a few feet before coming to a stop.

I slowly pushed myself up and glanced at Stain.

My body went stiff when I saw the look on his face. His eyes were crazed and he radiated blood lust. I've only had ever felt this much blood lust before from 1 other person.

"This is all..." he hissed making everyone freeze. He twisted his dagger that was plunged into the Nomu's head before ripping it out. Its blood splattering on my face.

"... to create a more just society." he continued.

" Hey, hey, hey, hey." a strangled gasp escaped me as he slammed his hand into my back. Pushing my body into the ground.

Shit! This isn't good! My body is too weak!

"Endeavor" Stain hissed pushing me further into the ground. I could feel my ribs cracking from how much pressure he was putting on me.

"Hero Killer!" I heard Endeavors' voice from behind us.

He slowly released me and turned towards Endeavor. His mask slowly falling from his face.

I immediately took in much-needed air.

I pushed myself up cradling my rips. Glancing up at Stain I flinched back away from him. He looked like the definition of crazy.

"You fake..." he hissed his eyes locked on the Fire hero.

" I must make things right... someone must be dyed in blood... I must take back what it means to be a hero!" he walked towards him.

He was letting of such an aura that it made everyone freeze.

" come! Try and get me, you fakes! The only one I'll let kill me is the true hero...... ALL MIGHT!" He screamed.

The air was filled with his hatred, anger, blood lust. It made multiple heroes even Endeavor to take a couple of steps back.

But it all stopped. Stains body froze and the blade that was in his hand fell.

I could hear his heartbeat slow. And his breathing becomes irregular. Something had happened to his lungs.

"He-He's........ Unconscious" I called out. My eyes locked onto the body of the hero killer.

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