
189 6 0

Published 8/30/2020

My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkroom. My heart was racing in my chest as I stared into the raging crimson eyes in front of me.

I've never seen Bakugo this mad before. And that's saying something because he's always mad. My eyes narrowed and my fists clenched at my side.

"Nothing is going on with me!" I hissed at the boy that had me caged to the wall.

His arms were on either side of me, not allowing me to escape.

"If anything I should be asking what the fucks wrong with you! Why'd you drag me into here?!" I stabbed my finger into his chest.

I jumped a little as he let out an almost animalistic growl, he moved closer to me. Our chests just barely touching now. I now really had no place to run. I could feel the anger radiating off of him in waves.

My breath hitched in my chest as I stared into his blazing crimson eyes.

The ones I used to hate with a passion. Just because of the color. But now I can't help but want to stare into them.

"Something is going on with you" he growled at me. His breathing was rough and his voice was deep.

" I told you already. You can rely on me! I don't like it when your hurting and I can't figure out why!" his face was now only a few inches from mine.

It made my heart beat faster than it already was. He... He really cared about me. Didn't he.

I didn't say anything as I just stared into his crimson eyes.

"Bakugo" his name escaped past my lips before I knew I even said it.

"don't call me that" he shook his head at me. His voice was much calmer now.

I was confused now, what did he want me to call him then?

"call me by my name... Katsuki" he almost whispered. His voice was lower and it sent shivers down my spine.

My hands slowly left my side and pressed themselves against his chest. It wasn't a motion to push him away, oh no. It was a motion that showed him to come closer.

His eyes glanced down at the place just below my nose. Then glancing back up at me. My eyes following his exact motion as I glanced down at his lips that were slightly parted.

"Katsuki"  I breathed his name, I could see him physically shiver as I said his name.

Our bodies moved closer as the small room started to become warmer. His large hands moved from the wall, one going to cup my upper neck and my cheek while the other slid to my waist.

There was no room between us anymore except for less than an inch of space between our lips. Which was rapidly closing.

His face drew closer and our eyes slowly closed.

Soft yet slightly rough lips pressed against mine. It started out slow, nothing too exciting.

My hands slowly slid up his chest and wrapped around his neck digging into his surprisingly soft spiky hair. Pulling his body closer to me.

The hand on my hip slid down my leg before drawing it up off the ground wrapping it around his hip.

The kiss started to become rougher and more passionate. Our lips pushed and pulled against one another.

The hand that cupped my face dug into my hair pulling me even closer to the explosive blonde.

It was pure passion. It felt so good.

But my brain seemed to finally wake up from drowning in passion when I felt something glide across my lips.

I pulled back from Katsuki quickly, my eyes wide in shock as I stared into the equally surprised crimson eyes. Our breathing was fast and uneven.

snapping out of my daze I pushed him away from me and ran out of the room. My face bright red and my heart beating fast.

I had just kissed Katsuki! No, he kissed me! Or did I kiss him?! I don't even know how that happened!

Does that mean................. Does he like me?

No, he can't! It was all just a spur of the moment. It meant nothing and it was nothing.

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