
140 3 0

Published 11/22/2020

It was quiet for a few moments after the hero's left.

Just as I was about to close my eyes the door to the room opened.
Izuku started to become a stuttering mess.

"Maria" a familiar deep voice called out. I rolled so I faced the door and slowly sat up while I waved.

"Sup Orca"

He let out what sounded like a defeated sigh. He made his way over to my bed ignoring the eyes of the three boys.

"We have much to talk about when we get back" he stated his red eyes boring into mine.

I looked down at the floor. "Look, I know I disobeyed your orders but, I knew something was wrong. I had to help them" I defended.

"You did disobey orders and you will be punished for that. You can't just run off and do what you wish. You must serve and protect. Those people you left had no protection. You told no one where you went" He went on, his voice stern.

"W-wait, Gang Orca sir" Izuku started to speak up.

I glanced at him, "he's right. Don't try and defend me Izuku. I disobeyed orders and left people defenseless. I deserve punishment" I glared at the other two boys who looked like they were gonna say something.

"I'll take whatever punishment you see fit" I refocused my attention on Gang Orca.

"You didn't let me finish, you did disobey orders and left your position but you also saved the city from being burned down. Saving many lives and homes. For that, I'll let you off this one time." Gang Orca raises his hand and patted my head.

I stared up at him in shock, his eyes held pride in them.

"I'll be back later" he left the room leaving me and everyone else speechless.

After a while, we all seemed to relax.

I was just sitting in my bed playing games on my phone. While the three boys talked amongst themselves.

" My left hand might have long-term damage..." That was what I heard from iida.

Immediately my head snapped up. Long term?!

" Both of my arms were pretty beat up, but it looks like the damage to my left arm was especially severe. There was damage to my brachial plexus." Iida explained.

I put my phone down and stared at my hands. I had an idea but it wasn't the best.

" But it just means that I'll have trouble moving my hand and fingers and experience some numbness. Apparently, there is a possibility that it can be healed with a nerve transplant surgery." He tried to make his situation sound better.

I stood up and walked over to him. "You might not need a surgery" they all looked at me.

I bit my bottom lip and went onto explain. "You know how I can control blood? Well... I don't know if it will work or not... but I might be able to fix your arm... I'm not making any promises"

"Yo-You can do that" Izuku whispered shocked.

I looked down at my hand and flexed my fingers. "I don't know. I've never tried to fix anything before"

"Let's try!" Iida exclaimed. Startling me.

"Ok" I Crouch down in front of him and raised my hand and place them on his casted arm. "This might hurt" I warned him. Before closing my eyes.

Feeling my body immediately start to weaken as I focused on his blood. I could feel the flows. I felt where his nerves were snapped and focused on them.

Iida let out multiple sounds of pain as I worked as quickly as I could. I felt the nerves slowly starting to grow and reconnect.

After another moment I opened my eyes and slowly stood up almost to immediately fall. Warm/cold arms wrapped around me holding me up.

"Thanks, Shoto" I whispered his name feeling him stiffen immediately.

"So... how do you feel?" I focused on Iida.

He was looking down at his arm in shock. His fingers were now moving. "I-I can move them. It doesn't hurt or take much effort! Maria! I think you did it!" He exclaimed excitedly.

But he froze and his happy face dropped as he looked at me.

"Maria... are you ok?" He was concerned.

Maybe........ I should tell them...

I closed my eyes and with Shoto's help, I made my way back over to my bed.

"What I tell can't tell anyone... only a few hero's know"

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