Ch 12

241 8 5

Published 6/16/2020

I glanced down at my wrist and seen that Kirishima was still holding on to me. Glancing up at him I was about to comment but was cut off by a certain exploding boy.

"OI! Shitty hair! What the fuck do you think you're doing!" Bakugo stomped towards us his eyes blazing.

Kirishima stiffened and then looked down at his hand still holding me and his face irrupted into a shade of red that almost matched his hair.

"Aw! Sorry, Maria! I didn't realize!" he bowed to me in apology!

before I can make a comment I was being dragged away again by Bakugo.

What is with everyone grabbing my wrist?!!

"can you let me go" I grumbled digging my heels into the ground stopping him from dragging me further.

He stiffened and looked like he was about to yell at me but he shut his mouth and let out a huff before releasing me and stopping away.

" Now, let's take a look at the top 5 teams right away!" Mic yelled out and on the jumbo screen, an image of me appeared along with the other members of my team.

"In first place, team Galveston!"

" In second place, team Todoroki!"

"In third place, team Bakugo!"

"In fourth place, Tetsute-- Huh? What, it's Team Shinso?! when did you come from behind?!"

my eyes locked onto the tired-looking purple-haired boy. He looked interesting, he didn't have a big presence so no one really noticed him.

Wonder what his quirk is? I'll have to keep an eye on him.

"In fifth-place, team Midoriya!"

I looked over to Midoriya and saw his eyes full of tears and a big smile on his face as he stared at Tokoyami.

So they did manage to get a headband. Good. Cuz I wanna fight Midoriya!

" These five teams......will advance...... to the final round!" Mic yelled out excitedly.

" now, we will take an hour break for lunch, before we start the afternoon festivities! See ya!" Mic dismissed us as people started to get up from their seats and the remaining students started to make their way into the break area.

I was About to enter when a large warm hand slammed down on my shoulder halting me.

Looking up, I looked up at the giant man on fire. it was the hero Endeavor. Todoroki's father.

I shrugged his hand off and turned to him. My eyes glared up at the giant of a man. What could he possibly want?

" I have some things I need to discuss with you" he stated, leaving no room to argue.

He walked down the hall and led me to a more secluded part. Once he came to a stop, did he turn to me his large arms crossed in front of him.

"What is it that you need to talk to me about" my voice was cold and my eyes were hard I starred at the man.

" how much do you know about quirk marriages?" he was direct as he asked me.

my eyes widened and my jaw dropped slightly. Quirk marriage?!

" I know what it is. But why do you wanna know" I had a feeling of where this was going.

"I want you to marry my son"

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