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Published 6/22/2020

So for some reason, I got really back into this story and have now finished all the chapters and am now just waiting to publish them.

Plz, tell me what else I can add to makes my writing better! I'm going to start trying to make the chapters longer as well.

I sat in the break room starring down at my hands. clenching and unclenching my fists. What Endeavor said to me still running fresh in my mind.

Me marry his, son? Me marry Todoroki!

I dropped my head onto the table in front of me with a thud and a low groan.

I stared down at my feet, the only thing keeping my head up was my forehead on the table.

My hair was practically a curtain around me. Blocking everything around me.

I could never marry that boy. His quirks are the things of my nightmare!

But that's not the main reason............. I was dying........... Just before the festival started I had a check-up at the hospital. They said my lungs were getting worse that the cancer seemed to be spreading. It was like it was alive or some kind of parasite. It was killing me from inside.

They told me that in the next month that they would call me and give me an estimation of how much longer I had left.

They warned me that it could spread faster if I overuse my quirk, because of the internal bleeding.

So that meant my time to kill Jiraiya was quickly shortening. I had to find him soon.

I refuse to die knowing that. That! Man was still alive.

A thud on the table caught my attention as I lifted my head up.

in front of me was a bottle of water. Looking up I tiredly smiled at Midoriya.

He sat in the chair next to me with a kind smile. "you ok" he questioned his eyes wide with concern.

He's too kind for his own good.

I nodded and reached for the water in front of me.

"Thanks, Midoriya.......For everything" I glanced at him. He immediately got embarrassed and turned into a bright red waving his hands frantically, while stuttering like a mad man.

I chuckled and placed my hand on his shoulder making him freeze.

"calm down" I smiled at him and stood up. As I was about to walk away I ruffled his green locks causing him to become embarrassed again.

" I really do mean it. Thanks for everything" I walked away from him.

I had too much on my mind. I just needed to be alone. I walked outside and leaned against the wall.

Watching as the clouds passed crossed the sky. " I wish you were here" I whispered as a single tear slid down my cheek.

A flash of my mom and siblings flashed across my mind. I could practically hear them laughing and smiling. It was a rare thing in that house but when they did we cherished those moments.

I wished I didn't take them for granted at the time.

---3rd person---

"that idiot....why won't she let anyone help her" a young blonde boy whispered leaning on a nearby wall. Just out of view of the girl.

Having heard the small whisper from the girl. She was hurting more than what she let on.

He had been so blind to even notice that the big strong girl he always yelled yet, admired at was silently and internally breaking.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets before slowly walking down the hall.

He would change..... Just for her. And only her.

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