
204 6 0

Published 7/29/2020


It was strange for the girl knowing that people knew what had happened to her and her family.

What would happen now? Would she still be allowed at U.A. or would she be kicked out? Would she be forced to leave Japan? Would she be arrested? So many thoughts ran through her mind.

Maria had decided to leave the Sports Festival early. With her not being allowed to participate in the other matches, she didn't see any point in her staying. She had taken the back exit so no one saw her. She didn't want her classmates to try and stop her as All Might had tried.

*Flash Back*

The heroes had left the room after learning about everything that has happened to the young girl. Maria was alone for a few minutes before she decided to leave.

As she exited the room she was immediately stopped by the number 1 hero.

"Young Galveston, where are you going? The matches are the other way"

She looked up at the giant man with a sad smile. "im not needed here anymore. I think it would be better if I just went home. I have a lot to think about"

"Are you sure? Why don't you stay and watch your friends? I'm sure they would want you to." he kept trying to persuade her.

She just shook her head and turned around and started to make her way down the hall again. "We don't always get what we want All Might. That's not how the world works"

He didn't say anything after that. He just watched as his student walked away. He felt so helpless. A young bright life was to be put out.

During her match, he could see a darkness in the girl. A darkness she was trying to run from while slowly accepting it.

If she didn't let her anger and urge for revenge go he feared what would become of her.

He was a hero yet he couldn't even save his own student from her own Monsters.

*Flash Back Over*

Maria glanced over her shoulder at the stadium. She could hear the people cheering on the matches of her classmates.

A sad smile was on her face. Before she turned around and continued her walk home. She didn't want to take the train. She just wanted to walk.

She wanted to walk away from everything, everyone. Had she made the right decision to come to Japan? Was she right in allowing people close to her?

At times like this, she really wished she had died with her family in the fire. She wished she'd never found out that her adoptive father, her mentor, the man she looked up to, was the reason her family was dead.

A single tear slid down her cheek and fell to the ground

"Maybe I was just meant to be alone"

Somewhere nearby

" I hope you know what you're doing Jiraiya" Kurogiri stated as he looked at the masked man.

They were standing on a nearby building watching as a young girl walked away from the stadium.

Jiraiya didn't respond for a few minutes. To lost in his thoughts.

" I hate doing this... But I made a promise, I can't break that now" the masked man finally looked over at the man-made of black mist.

"I'll never understand you" Kurogiri sighed as he glanced over at the disappearing girl as she walked further away.

"Let us head back, I need to get back to my lab. I have much work to do, and I'm running out of time" Jiraiya stated before he and Kurogiri disappeared.

Not leaving a single trace that they were ever there.

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