Ch 18

207 6 0

Published 7/16/2020

I collapsed to the ground in an empty hallway, starring down at my hands in shock and fear. I was shaking badly, I couldn't stop it. I could have killed her!

Before USJ I didn't care much about killing. But now I- I didn't want to kill, like that. I didn't want to kill unless I had to.

My vision blurred as I watched my tears hit the concrete floor.

My shaking arms wrapped around myself trying to control myself, I could feel the torn fabric on my back.

The world saw. My classmates saw it. They all saw it!

I clenched my eyes shut as I sobbed quietly in the empty hall.

I didn't move even when I heard multiple rapidly approaching footsteps coming my way.

"Maria!" I stiffened as I saw a familiar group of boys in front of me.

Bakugo, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Midoriya. They all looked so worried.

Why aren't they scared of me? Didn't they see what I did? That I almost just killed someone!

I shakingly got up onto my feet. When they took a step forward I would take one back.

"St-stay back!..........please" I begged them. They had to stay away from me. I didn't trust myself. I was scared for them. I didn't want to hurt them. especially them!

Kirishima took a step forward. "Maria" he whispered his eyes were gentle and he held his hand out to me.

"No! Stay away from me!" I screamed at him then took off running down the hall. Ignoring their calls after me.

Hearing an explosion I turned just to see Bakugo's body slam into me. Using his body he maneuvered so that he had taken the impact of the ground.

His large warm arms we're wrapped around me and refused to let me go. I immediately started to struggle in his arms. He could feel the raised and burned skin of my back.

"Bakugo! Let me go! Fucking let me go, you bastard!" I weakly punched his chest. He refused to. His arms just tightened even more. He didn't say anything to me.

One of his hands pushed my head into his neck forcing me to stay there.

"Go, you idiots. I'll take care of her" he hissed at the boys behind me. He gave no room for arguments. If they didn't leave he would make them.

I could feel their resistance but the sound of leaving footsteps told me they left. The arm that was wrapped around my waist moved slightly and gently grazed over my exposed back.

It was quiet for a few moments." you're so fucking selfish" Bakugo hissed his own body shaking.

Selfish?! I've given everything up! How am I selfish?! I tried to pull away from him but he refused to let me go.

"You've been fucking hurting! People care about you! But you refuse to talk to anyone!" he hissed hugging me tighter.

"You're such an idiot..... You can tell me things. Ok. Don't hide how you feel from me. Punch me. Kick me. Do whatever the fuck you want to me, just don't hide or run away from me" Bakugo dug his face into my shoulder.

His large muscular arms holding me closer to him. I could feel his body slightly shaking almost as if he was holding himself back.

I was shocked. I had never seen this side of Bakugo before.

I.....liked it.

"But.." he cut me off.

" I don't care what that stupid blonde bitch said and neither should you. So don't you dare listen to anything she or anyone says! Come to me and I'll handle it all" Tears fell freely from my eyes and I hugged bakugo back. Pressing my body as close to his as possible.

I dug my face into his neck and started to freely cry into him. I didn't care about the position we were in or who could walk by and see us.

Who would have ever thought I would be straddling and hugging Bakugo while crying? I never did. But fate works in weird ways.

"Thank you" I whispered against his neck my lips just grazing his warm tan skin.

His arms if possible tightened even more around me. He moved his head away from me and he kissed the top of my head.

"ill always protect you. So rely on me from now on"

I snuggled closer to him. "Bakugo... I-I wanna tell you what happened to me" I whispered clenching my eyes shut.

"Are you sure" he was cautious not to really touch my exposed back.

"Hmmm" I nodded into his neck.

"When I lived in America... I lived with my Mother and Father if you could even call him that. Along with my 2 older sisters and older brother." I inhaled deeply, smelling a smoky-sweet scent coming from him.

"My parents were in an arranged marriage. They hated each other with a burning passion but no one ever saw that. We looked like the perfect loving family to everyone" I bit my lip trying to surpass my flashbacks.

"My father was not a kinda man...... he abused and tortured us for years. Me and my siblings were not made of love but by force. We couldn't call anyone for help because he was a cop."

I could feel Bakugos arms tighten around me as his breathing grew ragged.

"He... he would constantly beat and torture me. He even.. even" tears started to roll down my face.

"He raped me" I sobbed. I didn't know 100% why I was revealing this to him but I couldn't stop myself.

Bakugo let out a growl and I could feel him shaking even more as his jaw clenched shut. But he didn't say anything as he held back his anger. He was holding me so close to him as if he was trying to use his body to hide me from the world.

It was silent between us as Bakugo rocked me back and forth. Hushing my sobbing.

"Please don't tell anyone" I whispered.

"Shhh it's ok Maria, I promise. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you"

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