
175 4 4

Published 9/13/2020

A/n update on my life. School sucks and people r rude

Gang Orca knew almost everything about me. I didn't really like it but there was nothing I could do now.

I was in his office sitting in front of him. In a black leather chair.

" I need to know the Extent of your quirk" his red eyes were focused on me.

" I can create storms as you probably already know and I can also control blood, water and air. But due to my circumstances, I'm not allowed to create storms or use my blood manipulation. But to put it simply, think of a Hurricane, anything it can do, I can do" I explained to him with a shrug of my shoulders.

"what are it's drawbacks?" he inquired

"normally after a while, ill become dehydrated and have internal bleeding. But now if I create storms or use blood. My body will strain and my cancer could spread faster" I shrugged again. I'd rather be blunt than to sugar coat anything.

"you don't seem to be affected that you might die" he pointed out.

"We all die at some point. Sooner or later it's gonna happen, what's the point in being scared of something that's gonna happen no matter what" I shrugged. It was true, I didn't fear death. I welcomed it actually.....or at least I used to.

"You're an interesting kid. I look forward to seeing how you will perform. One of the others will show you where you will be staying. In an hour come back down. Be ready for training" Gang Orca stood up and opened the door for me.

---- 1 hour later ----

I stood in a fairly large training room. It was actually underground right underneath the building.

I stood in front of Gang Orca wearing Black leggings and a blue long sleeve shirt.

"from when I watched you in your match you have Incredible strength and speed. But you get clouded by your emotions." he circled me as he analyzed me.

"when your emotions become to the extreme you snap" he snapped his fingers to get his point across.

"if you are to be a hero, your personal matters must come 2nd. Your main focuses must be to protect the people, defeat the villains, and cause the least amount of damage. Heroes must multitask." he went on to explain.

"you must fight but also protect. Can you do that?" in a flash he was behind me. My eyes wide in shock as it all seemed to go in slow motion.

Hypersonic waves slammed into my body sending me flying. My body for a moment was completely numb, my ears were ringing.

In a flash, he was behind me again and punched me in the gut.

(shit he was fast. I need to get ahold of myself!)

Using my own speed I flashed behind him and raised my fist to punch him. Only to blink and find my fist encased in his. He swung me around and my body slammed into the wall.

The beating went on for a few more moments before he stopped. I didn't even manage to land a single hit on him.

I was sprawled out on the cool concrete floor covered in healing scratches and bruises. Last time I got this beat up was at USJ. That day sucked ass.

"you rely too much on your quirk and mind. You need to focus on your body, let it go. You need to learn to see without seeing" he walked out of the training room and up the stairs heading back up to the main floor.

Learn to see without seeing? What the fuck does that mean?!

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