
359 12 6

Published 10/2/19

The room then became deadly silent. Bakugou's eyes were wide in shock.  I ripped my arm away from him looking at everyone in the classroom now staring at me.

"Ya you all heard me I got lung cancer!  So will you all stop looking at me like I'm the only one who has issues" I growed and ran out of the room no one trying to stop me.

I ran past the school gates and all the way back to my apartment. Slamming the door closed behind me I slid my back against it collapsing to the ground. Bringing my knees to my chest hiding my face in them.

They know,  they all know now.  At the moment my lung cancer was at a standstill between stage 2 and stage 3.

The burns on my back and arm weren't the only things that I got out of that fire.  My lung cancer was a type of cancer that the doctors have never seen before. I had thought after I got my quirk that it would go away that it would heal. But it didn't.

*meow* I looked up seeing lulu bell sitting in front of me with her head tilted looking at me.

I gave her a sad smile. Reaching out I cupped the side of her face itching behind her ear.  "Hey girl".

I felt a vibration come from my side.  I grabbed my phone to see a message from shockingly Dabi.

Dabi: U home?

Maria: maybe Y?

Dabi: I'm Coming over,  don't move

Maria: y?  What do u want?

I got no response after that.  Letting out a sigh I stood up and moved over to my couch lying down on it, waiting for Dabi.  Soon though I felt my eyes get heavy and they closed.

I felt so warm at the moment.  So comfy.  I snuggled closer to the heat source.  Feeling something tighten around my waist and something snuggle into my neck.  Causing my eyes to shoot open and be met with a half-burned chest with Staples in it.

My eyes widen in shock and I tried to pull away only to be hugged tight. "Dabi" I hissed his name.  Trying to break free, only to wince in pain as his arms tightened on one of my bruises. 

"Hmm, aren't you quite the vixen trying to seduce me again.  Your so lucky that your injured and that I have such amazing restrain.  Or I would have devoured you" his deep voice whispered in my ear.  I let out a gasp as I felt him gently bite my ear.  Then giving it a lick and lastly placing a gentle kiss on it.  Before pulling back.

I let out a small yelp and pushed myself out of his arms falling off the couch.  I looked up at him my face a deep red and my eyes wide.  I was covering my ear that had just gotten assaulted.

I watched dabi sit up, him letting out a deep chuckle.  His upper body was completely naked.

"What the hell are you doing here, how are you in my apartment? Why are you half-naked? Why were you sleeping with me?" I hissed staring him down. 

"1. I said I was coming over. 2. next time lock your door.  3 you took it off me.  4. you begged me to sleep with you" he said holding up 4 of his fingers.

"I did not" I hissed.  But all he did was smirk.  "Believe it, I came in and tried to wake you up.  You pulled me down and practically ripped off my top.  I'd never guess you were the dominant type" he flashed me a smirk.

My face grew even redder but soon Dabi's smirk disappeared and he became serious.  "Now you mind telling me what happened to you" he demanded.

"I do mind,  it's none of your concern" I growled standing up. 

"Now why did you come here" I demanded.

"Is it a crime to wanna visit my favorite girl?" he asked shrugging his shoulders putting his shirt and coat back on.

"Yes it is and I'm not your girl" I hissed looking at him.

"Not yet" he smirked and walked out of my apartment.  Flashing me a wink. Making me angry and embarrassed.


For the next week I didn't go to school I ignored all the text messages I got from all my classmates "asking where I was"  or "if I was okay".

I focused on training and training alone. Dabi throughout the week made it a habit to just walk into my apartment whenever he wanted even if the door was locked he found a way in. Him and I have gotten really close.  But there is still a lot about each other that we don't know.

I had decided to finally start practicing more with my blood manipulation. That's what I started calling it after I figured out I could use it. Using it on Jiraiya was not the first time finding out about it. I've known about it for a while I just always refuse to use in training against Jiraiya worried that something could happen.

It was extremely hard in the beginning but with time I was able to master it..well sorta.  I could only ever really use it when I felt a lot of emotion.

I was also working on physical strength and endurance.  If something were to happen I don't want my Quirk to be the only way out of it. Dabi even was helping me train.  Pushing me and helping me get better.

The last two days I was working on agility, hopping from tree to tree, from building to building.

And during the nights I would work on strategy. I barely got any sleep during my training but it was nothing I was not used to. I'd only sleep when Dabi dragged me away and to my bed.  Forcing me to sleep.  He'd made sure I didn't leave by sleeping with me in his arms.  It's almost become a routine for us.

A day during the week I had gotten a call from the school saying that I would be speaking since I was the number one student. But I had made it very well known to them that I refused and for Bakugou to do it.  Which they did not like but agreed because I may or may not have threatened them just a bit saying that if they force me to speak I would destroy the entire stadium with a hurricane.

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