Ch 15

233 7 0

Published 6/28/2020

"You Bastard!" I launched myself forward, towards him and tried punching him. But his body disappeared into the shadows and my fist connected with the cement wall creating a crater where I hit.

"DAMN IT!" I screamed slamming my head against the wall. Tears welling into my eyes.

"You'll join me soon enough, willing, or unwilling. Embrace your darkness"

"I'll be watching daughter" his voice echoed throughout the hall.

"you sick bastard...just die" a dry sob left my throat. I slid down the wall and down to my knees my forehead pressed against the cool wall.

I was shaking badly. My breathing was all messed up and tears were freely falling from my eyes.

I didn't move as the sound of shoes slapping the floor came running to me. The person fell to their knees beside me.

"Galveston-san" a deep gentle voice whispered. Lifting my head, my tear-filled eyes met with a set of mismatched.

Not even thinking I launched myself at todoroki, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and buried my face into his neck and sobbed.

He stiffened for a moment before wrapping one of his arms around me pulling me closer to him. The other went to the back of my head and gently ran his fingers through my hair.

He didn't say anything. No words needed to be said. He moved his body so his back was laying against the wall and his legs laid flat against the floor. Gently he pulled me up so I sat in his lap.

Lowly he started to hum in my ear. Successfully calming me down.

Slowly my sobs stopped and my tears.

"you tell anyone about this and I'll kill you" I mumbled in his shoulder. I was completely relaxed against him.

I felt........ Safe.

His chest rumbled as he chuckled. " I promise".

He wasn't to hot nor to cold. He was the perfect combination of both.

My eyes were closed as I laid my head on his shoulder. This was the most relaxed I've felt in a long time.

"thank you" I whispered moving a little closer to him.

Yes, I hated his quirks but I could "try" to look past that. He wasn't his father and he wasn't the man who killed my family.

"im surprised you're not asking what happened" I opened my eyes and looked up at his half and half hair.

"What happened is not my business. If you want to tell me I'll listen" his fingers played with my hair.

I stared at him. He was so different.

It was quite for a moment.

"your father came to me"

He stiffened and his hand paused. "what did he want" his voice was cold.

"he talked to me about a quirk marriage" this made todoroki's eyes to snap to me.

I didn't look at his eyes. They just stayed on his neck.

"he wanted me to marry you. But I said no. I'm the daughter of an arranged marriage, it's not pretty. What I saw growing up, I would not wish on anyone. You have the right to choose who you want to be with." I explained to him.

"thank you" todoroki whispered.

Before I could ask why he was thanking me he cut me off. "We should go. It's almost time for the battles"

I got up first then offered a hand to help him up. Which he took without any hesitation.

He nodded in thanks before he started to make his way down the hall leaving me standing there.

"hey todoroki" I called out to him successfully stopping him. He glanced back at me over his shoulder . One of his eyebrows raised at me

I smiled at him. A true smile.

"Call me Maria from now on"

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