
281 11 4

Published 11/6/19

Soon I reached the final barrier. Todoroki coming up next to me. " and now, we've quickly arrived at the final barrier! The reality here is... It's a minefield! It's set up so that you can tell where the mines are if you look carefully! So you have to exploit your eyes and legs! By the way, these landmines are for games, so they're not that powerful! But they're loud and flashy enough to make you wet your pants!" Mic over-exaggerates.

I look over at Todoroki and he looks back at me he nods his head and I nod back.  We take off watching where our feet go to make sure we don't step on mines. The rest of our classmates soon arrive close behind us causing some the mines to go off.  Hearing explosions go off I knew it was Bakugou.  " this doesn't affect me!" Bakugou exclaims."

"Bastard, don't declare war to the wrong person!" Bakugou Tried to hit Todoroki with his explosion but Todoroki easy dodged. But because of this Dodge Bakugou's explosion went right for me. Causing me to freeze and my eyes to widen.  My eyes met Bakugou's and Todoroki's eyes were both wide in shock and panic.

I cross my arms in front of me for a shield. Knowing I didn't have enough time to use my quirk. "MARIA" I heard Midoriya scream and a familiar head a green and black hair got in front of me holding a giant piece of metal blocking Bakugou's attack.

I looked at Midoriya in shock as he looked back at me and gave me a smile. I nodded my head in Thanks and then took off again. I then took off again I was neck-in-neck with Bakugou and Todoroki.

Then I heard a major explosion go off behind me. Not Even deciding to look back I decided to go full speed. Thanks to my speed I easily ran over the mines hearing them explode behind me.

" Midoriya and Galveston are neck-and-neck who's going to win! "

Bakugou and Todoroki stopped trying to slow each other down and are now chasing after us. 

Just as we've got into the long corridor I saw something that shocked me the bone.

I swear in the shadows of the corridor I saw something, something that makes me feel pure rage. I could see a set of glowing red eyes staring at me. Causing me to stumble and fall to the ground with a hard thud. Looking around frantically I try to find the set of red eyes.  Only to see nothing.  Getting off the ground I quickly race into the arena coming in at 4th Place.

Coming To a Stop hearing crowds cheer for us. And Confetti falling down from the sky.  I looked down at the ground my hands clenching at my side. I know I wasn't imagining things, he was here I know he was.

Looking up as I hear that Midoriya came in at first. Letting out a sigh I look around me, my eyes catching on the back of Bakugou's figure as he was slightly crouched over holding onto his arm tightly, shaking.

I felt slight concern as I walked over to him putting my hand on his shoulder.  " Bakugou are you" before I could finish he cut me off as he stood up straight slapping my hand off him harshly.

My eyes widened and I took a step back away from him. To say the least, he looked crazy or even full-on psycho.

His eyes widened as he looked at me realizing what he did, he turned around and stalked off.

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