
203 7 1

Published 8/7/2020

For the next 3 days, my phone was blaring from notifications. Everyone in my class tried to call and text me. Hell even some of them showed up at my front door!

How the fucked did they even find out where I live?! Probably Kirishima.

I had gotten a call from my doctor 2 days ago. He told me how much time I have left....... I have around 3 years. But it can shorten if I continue to create storms and use blood manipulate.

My body was slowly killing me, and there was nothing I or anyone could do.

Not like I wanted them to. I was supposed to die years ago. I've just been running from death since then.

I always thought I would have more time. But I was wrong my time was quickly running out.

I had locked myself in my apartment for the last 3 days. I didn't eat, I didn't drink. I just sat in my bed staring at the single picture I had of my family.

Lulu Bell stayed beside me, always trying to cheer me up. She was the only real stable thing in my life I didn't fear would disappear one day.

I've kept up on what's going on outside. Bakugo had won and got first place in the sports festival, Iida's brother had lost a major fight with the villain Stain. He was now in the hospital in critical condition.

So much has happened in such little time.

--- the next day---

It appeared that the weather was feeling like I was. It was gloomy and rainy.

I had decided that I was going to go back to class today. I had to.

I had my raincoat on and an umbrella with me. I had to try and only use my quirk when it was absolutely necessary.

As I entered the school building people would look and stare at me. Some in awe while others in fear or pity.

I hated it.

Quickly putting away my rain gear I walked to my classroom. Only to freeze outside the door.  I didn't want to see them. What would they say? How would they react? But I didn't have much of a choice. I was already here.

"Galveston it's good to see you back" Aizawa's voice came from behind me.

I glanced at him, I had to cut my ties with these people. "you to sensei"

He raised his eyebrow at me. My tone wasn't cold but it wasn't warm either.

He walked past me and opened the door "Morning" he called out to the class.

"Good morning!" He was greeted by my classmates.

I stepped into the classroom after him

I was greeted by almost all of them gasping and saying my name in shock. Some of them even stood up looking to approach me.

"Sit down all of you" Aizawa commanded all of them sounding annoyed.

I didn't even glance at my classmates before making my way to my seat. I could feel all their eyes on me.

I hated this.

" we're having a special hero informatics class today," he stated catching everyone off guard.

"Code names."

" you'll be coming up with hero names."

They all practically jumped out of their seats in excitement.

" This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. The draft begins in earnest in the second and third years after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often canceled if the interest dies down by graduation." he went on to explain.

Everyone listening very closely to what he had to say. Well other than me really.

Drafts? Work with a hero? Great just what I need! Note the sarcasm.

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