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Published 10/11/19

Time went by in a blink of an eye. The day of the sports Festival came so fast.

As I walked up the hill to the entrance Gates I saw a large mass of people waiting to get in, many of them reporters. Letting a sigh of irritation Escape me I decided to just jump the fence.

Walking along the path way trying to avoid the crowds. I scanned the area, everywhere I looked there were some sort of vendors. Some of them even creeped me out by selling hero masks that looks way too real in my opinion.

On my way to the arena I saw many pro Heroes. But almost all the heroes I saw were the ones I didn't want to become an apprentice to.

I was looking down at the map on my phone trying to figure out where I go to wait for the festival to start.

But thanks to my luck I bumped into something / someone. "Sorry" I mumbled looking up only to stop and stare at the hero in front of me. I could easily recognize this hero a mile away. It was Gang Orca.

"It is fine" he told me patting me on my shoulder and walking around me, my eyes followed him.

His quirk was called Orcinus it gives him the abilities of a Killer Whale.

His most powerful attack is his Sonic Waves which creates an intense sound wave attack that can paralyze any opponent.

"Hey Galveston-San, wait up" I heard a familiar happy voice explain out to me over the crow. Turning around I saw Midoriya come to a halt in front of me with a giant smile on his face.

"Good luck today" he said now looking bashful scratching behind his head.

I gave him the smallest of smiles and lifted my hand up in a fist. His eyes widened and his face became a few Shades pinker. Lifting his fist we fist-bumped. " you too Mdidoriya and please call me Maria it sounds weird being called by my last name" I told him and started walking with him next to me.

If possible his blush became even darker and he started stuttering like a madman. Soon we were able to find a sign telling us where all of the participants were waiting.

We both changed into our gym uniforms quite a few girls were not happy wishing that they could wear their costumes.

I could basically see the tension in the room. Today was going to be a long one I could already tell. Letting out a sigh I reach into my bag grabbing my pills without anyone noticing popping two of them in.

I'm surprised that no one's bugging me about what they found out. But I'm thankful for it to say the least. Maybe someone threatened them or something I don't know. roome Room became silent as excited screams came from outside. "It',s time" I said walking to the door. My classmates following me.

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