
160 3 1

Published 10/9/2020

"Maria!" I heard Todoroki shout as he quickly came my way. Quickly dropping down to one knee, he cupped my face, his eyes glancing at the cut on my cheek before quickly going down to my stab wound.

He slowly moved my hands out of the way, not caring about my blood getting on him.

I stared at him shocked, he's not the type who normally showed concern around other people. "i'll be fine. He wasn't aiming to kill me. Nothing major was hit" I leaned my head to the side a bit so I could look him in the eyes.

He was still concerned but didn't push it. Slowly he helped me to my feet, almost expecting me to fall.

I bumped his shoulder with mine "chill, its gonna take a lot more than a knife to put me down" I began to walk away from him. "I don't die easily, you should know this from USJ" I called back to him.

Todoroki quickly tied up Stain with some rope he had found. People really just throw about anything away. While Native put Izuku on his back because Stain had injured his leg.

I stopped mid-step. When did I start calling him Izuku?!

Glancing at Iida I could see the guilt he had in his eyes. The way he glanced at everyone's wounds. You could just tell.

I peeked down at my wound and saw that the blood was slowly stopping. It normally doesn't take this long for a wound like this to stop bleeding.

I froze for a second as realization hit me. Shit! My body is becoming weaker. I inhaled deeply and immediately went into a coughing fit. Raising one hand I covered my mouth, slightly hunched over at the power of my coughs.

"hey? You ok?" after one last cough I looked up to see Native and Izuku looking at me with concern. Wiping my lips off I caught the sight of blood.

Putting my hand behind my back, I eyed the 2. "Ya I'm ok. It's just from my quirk" I shrugged before walking over to Iida. Quickly not wanting to be asked more questions.

"Follow me. You and I need to have a talk" I stated not stopping as I walked passed him.

Standing a few feet away from everyone. I glared at Iida.

"Do you have ANY idea what you did tonight?!" I hissed not being at all quite.

He didn't say a word as he looked at his feet.

"You didn't only put your life at risk but also Midoriya, Todoroki and Native! What would have happened if I didn't show up when I did?!" I went off on the tall glasses-wearing teen.

"Didn't you hear what he did to my brother?! He almost killed him!" Iida tried to argue.

"ALMOST!" I stabbed my finger into Iida's chest. I could feel my anger starting to rise.

"Your brother is alive! Be grateful for that! Did you even THINK about how your family, Your BROTHER would react if you got killed?!" I snapped getting closer to him.

"Your one to talk! Your only motive is killing that guy from USJ! How is your revenge any different!" He argued back raising his voice.

My hands fell loosely to my sides as I stared at him. My eyes went down to my feet. "What's so different? What's so different?!" my head snapped back up.

"That bastard! Murdered my whole family! I don't have anyone! They're all dead! He took them away from me! And lied to my face for years!" I almost screamed at him.

"Im not doing this for someone else. I don't need anyone's help. I'm not BLINDED by revenge."

Iida stared at me in shock, his mouth slightly open. "That's what makes us different" I hissed as I walked away. Completely ignoring the multiple sets of eyes following me.

"Maria" Iida whispered.

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