
284 12 1

Published 11/21/19

Once the rest of the students arrived it was time for the second part of the games.

"The first game of the first year stage is finally over. Now, take a look at the results!" Midnight exclaimed.

1st was Midoriya
2nd was Todoroki
3rd was Bakugou
4th was myself

"The top 42 made it through to the next round. It's unfortunate, but don't worry even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine. The real competition begins next! The press Cavalry'll will be all over it! Give it you're all! Now then, here is the second game. I already know what it is, but what could it be? What could it be? I just said it, and nowhere it is... Cavalry battle! " Midnight exclaimed pointing to the screen that said Cavalry battle.

Multiple people began to whisper saying how they weren't good at it.

" let me explain, the participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular Cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different is... Based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value. You guys don't hold back even though I'm talking, huh?!" Midnight yelled at a couple of girls in the front cracking her whip.

" yes, that's right! And the point assigned to go up by 5 starting from the bottom. So 42nd Place gets 5 Points, and 41st gets 10 points! And the point value assigned to first place is... 10 million!" Midnight exclaimed excitedly.

Poor Midoriya I can't even begin to think what's going through his mind right now. Now that he has the biggest target on his back. But I'm sorry Midoriya I'm coming for you. I can't afford to lose, no matter what. I have way too much to prove and way too much to lose to not even think about getting first place.

My eyes went over to Midoriya seeing him completely frozen his eyes looking as if he's seeing his own death. Which he might very well be seeing since everyone is now looking at him knowing exactly who they're going for. Good luck Midoriya you're going to need it. Especially against me.

" that's right. It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!" Midnight finished off. 

I know how this kind of thing would go it was all about strategy.

"Now then, I will explain the rules of the Cavalry battle. The time limit is 15 minutes. Each team is worth the total of its member's points, the Riders will wear a headband with the number of points on their foreheads. Teams will try to grab each other's headband until time Runs Out, and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. The more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them! The most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or your team Falls, you're not out!"

" during the game, it'll be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks. But it is still a Cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed immediately!"

15 minutes then appeared on the

" now, you have 15 minutes to build your team's. Start!"  Midnight exclaims.

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