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Published 10/20/19

I heard the announcer exclaim "it's time for the students to enter the first-year stage!".

" the U.A. Sports Festival! The huge Battle where fledgling Heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, these are the guys, right? The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their hearts of Steel! Hero course, class 1-A, right?!" Present Mic exclaims over the announcements.

As we walk into the arena the crowd burst out into cheers and fireworks shoot off into the sky.

Soon the other classes come out to join us. " they haven't been getting as much air time, but this clan is also full of talent! Hero course, class 1-B! Next up, General Studies classes C, D, and E! Support course, classes F, G, and H are here, too! In Business course, classes I, J, and K! All of U.A.'s First years are here now!" Present Mic excitedly exclaims.

Now all of us stood in front of Midnight as she stood on a podium. She was not one of my top heroes for she relies too much on her body and Beauty more than anything else.

"Time for the player Plus!" Midnight exclaims cracking her whip. Almost every man and some women in the stadium all had blushes on their faces. "Representing the student is Katsuki Bakugou from class 1-A!" Midnight exclaims again cracking her whip.

People then began to whisper wondering why it was bakugou and not me. I just kept quiet and stayed in the back.

I watched as bakugou walked up to the podium. Oh, this is going to be good.

"I pledge-- that I'll be number one." He says Bordley shocking everyone except for everyone in our class knowing he would do something like this.

All the students then began booing him and shouting insults. Really began to piss me off because they started giving me a headache. " if none of you, shut up right now or you're gonna regret it" a dark Aura coming from me caused all the students to turn towards me. Their faces going ghostly White.

"Oh ya and what are you going to do" an annoying high-pitched voice exclaimed at me. My eyes scan the crowd of student trying to find out where the voice came from and soon the students parted leaving me a direct line of sight of who it was.

It was a girl who was around 5'3 with long blonde hair in a high ponytail and pale blue eyes. My eyes narrow into a sharp glare.

" I could make you do whatever I want you to do and you couldn't stop me even if you tried" I hissed about to use my blood manipulation. I was stopped by Midnight's voice.

" Now, let's get started right away. The first game is what you call a qualifier! Every year, many drink their tears here! Now, here is the Fateful first game! This year, it's......this " as she speaks a hologram board appears behind her, stopping on obstacle race.

The Screen changes into 4 groups. "All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of the stadium --about four kilometers! Our school's telling point is freedom! As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do! Now, take your places, everyone!" Midnight exclaims as The Crowd Goes Wild.

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