
372 15 5

Published 9/26/19

"So now that that is all taking care of.  We can get on to the more important things. The fight is not over". He said it very seriously.

The room Grew tense once again. "The U.A. Sports festival is Drawing Near." He says as if we're going into war.

Kirishima exclaims "that a super normal school event!"

" is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villain snuck inside?"

" what if they attack us again or something...?"

People in the front of the class ask.

"apparently, they think of it as U.A. Showing the our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event be canceled because of a few villains." Aizawa explains.

I let out a sigh and then lean back in my seat closing my eyes. I remember watching a few of U. A. previous Sports festival's.  They were quite entertaining and helped me learn quite a bit on Heroes.

"Our Sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a Festival of Sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know, with reductions in scale and population, there now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the place of those Olympics is the U. A. Sports festival!" Aizawa goes more into depth.

Normally after the sports festival many students tag along and become side kicks with a Pro Hero to watch and learn from them.

I Wonder who would I become an apprentice to?  Who would I hope to get? Who would I want to get?

"Of course, joining a famous hero agency will get you more experience and popularity. Time is limited. If you expect to go pro, then the path to your future will open up at this event. One chance a year a total of three chances. No aspiring Heroes can't afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!" Aizawa commanded.

"Yes sir! " we all exclaim.

Class was then dismissed.

Since class was dismissed many of my fellow classmates gathered into their group.

As I let out a sigh I felt my chest tighten up causing my eyes to widen.
And then started having a coughing fit covering my mouth with one of my hands.  Shit my pills. 

Digging through my backpack I find my bottle of pills. 

Just as I was about to open the bottle they were snatched out of my hand.

Looking up I saw Bakugou looking at my pills. His eyes started that were narrowed soon became wide.  He looked at me with shock.  Quickly I stood up and snatch them out of his hands opening the container and Popping the pills in my mouth swallowing dryly.

"Why do you have those" he hissed looking into my eyes.  I tried to get around him to leave the classroom but he grabbed a hold of my arm holding it tightly.

Quickly I scanned the room making sure that no one saw what was going on.  " why are you taking those pills" he hissed again.

I feel my body begin to shake from anger from sadness or fear I didn't know.

"you want to know so bad huh , I have lung cancer!  There happy now! " I growled. 

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