
157 3 0

Published 9/20/20

To see without seeing. To see without seeing.

*sigh* Maybe meditating would help. I've been in the training room for the last few hours. It was around 10 pm.

I moved to the middle of the room and got into my meditating position. It's been a long time since I've done this. Maybe 3 years now.

I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing.

To see without seeing.

To see without seeing.

To see without seeing.

Wait! That's it!

My eyes shot open as I think I finally realized what he meant.

I walked over to my water bottle where I had my Bandanna that I was using earlier to hold my hair back.

I grabbed it and walked over to the spinning wooden dummies. They were similar to the one's from the movie Kung fu panda.

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes tying my bandanna around my eyes. I was now completely blind. I couldn't see a thing.

I had to focus on my other senses. I didn't think, I need to let my body flow. To let it relax. Let it guide me.

I let out a relaxed breath and loosened my shoulders.

I took a step forward and launched my attack it was going well until I was slammed in the stomach. Making me stumble, I was hit again and again. Until I made it to the other side. I landed on the ground with a loud thud.

I winced as I sat up. I was not going to give up that easily.

Hour after hour passed. I was getting better but I was still messing up and getting hit.

just as I was about to go again a deep voice bounced off the walls. "Have you been here all night" Gang Orca questioned causing me to jump.

Damn, I didn't even notice him.

I looked in the direction of his voice. "I guess" I shrugged and slowly made my way over to where I think my water bottle was.

I was successful at that.

"what's that around your eyes" he walked towards me sounding amused.

"Im doing what you said. I'm learning to see without seeing" I pointed at him. I think.

A deep chuckle escaped him. "Your smarter than I thought you were. Now come, you need to eat and rest" he walked away from me towards the stairs.

I slowly followed him. This blindfold would stay on until I could see without seeing.

"your gonna keep that on?" Gang Orca questioned ahead of me.

"it will stay on until I can see" I explained.

I didn't see him smile at my determination.

--- 2 days later ---

I skillfully made my way through the spinning wooden dummies. For the last 2 days I have been none stop training.

My body felt lighter, I felt like I could actually see without actually seeing!

I stopped in the middle of the room and turned my body to where I knew was my hanging sandbag.

Gracefully I slide my foot along the ground, I pushed off the ground with one leg, then backflipped, using one I pushed myself up from the ground. maneuvering my body I twirled through the air. Pulling my right leg back, still in the air I swung it forward. It hitting the sandbag sending it flying, causing the rope that was holding it up to snap.

I landed on the ground in a crouched position.

I looked up feeling a familiar Presents.

"Hey Orca" I waved in his direction.

"You are quite the prodigy. Some of my oldest interns haven't even come close to what you are able to do. You are very impressive Galveston" Gang Orca praised me while walking closer to me.

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