Ch 11

255 10 2

Published 6/9/2020
Well hello, my readers! did you miss me?! Well, I'm bbbaaack!!

The people in the stadium we're cheering even louder than before. They were excited to see the power that the next generation of heroes had!


using the water I created a current forcing the two teams to come to me. A cocky smirk grew on my face watching the teams struggle to get away but with no success.

I did make sure that I did keep an eye on Todoroki because if he wanted to he could freeze all the water. But I don't think he realized that he could.

Once he was close enough I made a water whip ripping the bandannas from both of their necks/foreheads.

The water gracefully brought them right to my hands. I glanced up at the two teams stuck in the water.

"Thanks, boys" I was now in 1st place.

Glancing at the clock I looked back to them "Ya might wanna hurry up times almost up" I tapped my wrist.

I made the clouds above us disappear and manipulated the water to create a barrier around my team.

Knowing they didn't stand a chance against me they went back after the other teams desperately trying to get a bandanna.

"Holy shit! Your quirk is incredible" a boy on my team exclaimed looking up at me in shock and awe. His eyes were practically big golden stars.

I stared down at him for a minute and then gave him a small fake smile.

"Thanks, your welcome for helping you get to the next round" I patted the top of his head like a dog.

His face erupted in a red blush as he began to stutter.

Hearing explosions I glanced above me to see that Bakugo was airborne and using his explosions to head straight towards me.

"STUPID BITCH" He screamed coming towards me fast.

The air around me grew cold and out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Todoroki had frozen my wall and had broken through.

Glancing at the clock I saw that there were three seconds left. A proud cocky smirk grew on my face and I crossed my arms knowing that they had lost.

"Time's up!" Mic's voice froze everyone around me. Bakugo fell to the floor dramatically and Todoroki froze staring at me intensely.

" that's the end of the second round, the cavalry battle!" The stadium erupted in Loud cheers and roars.

Looking at Bakugo I could see him shaking on the ground in anger as he started punching the ground and throwing a tantrum.

A small chuckle escaped under my breath and my teammates gently lowered me to the ground.

I thanked them for holding me up before walking back to my classmates but I was stopped by a hand on my wrist.

Glancing down at it my eyes trailed up the arm of the owner until it reached their face. I quirked an eyebrow at the boy in front of me. It was the one that had complimented my quirk earlier.

He was somewhat attractive but he looked dull. He had shaggy brown hair and dark brown eyes and pale skin.

" can I help you" I question the boy wanting to rip my wrist from him.

His face irrupts it into a bright red blush as he began to stutter and shake. With his other hand, he scratched the back of his neck and ruffled his hair.

"Um I-I was wondering if, maybe that. Maybe sometime. I could-" But he never got to finish his sentence as he froze and a look of pure fear covered his features.

A warm body stood behind me casting a shadow over the both of us.

Glancing up I smiled seeing the familiar spiky red hair of Kirishima.

But he didn't return my smile his eyes were stuck on the boy in front of me. Who still had yet to release my wrist.

His eyes were set into a tight glare. The normal child-like gleam was gone and in its place was anger.

Without saying anything he grabbed my other wrist and pulled me free from the boy. My side colliding with his rockhard chest.

Without saying a word he gave the boy one more look before dragging me away and back to our classmates.

I was utterly confused about the whole situation that just happened. What crawled up Kirishima's ass and what was that boy going to ask me?

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