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Published 7/22/2020

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Due to what happened in my match I wasn't allowed to participate in the rest of the matches. They thought I was too emotionally unstable.

But at least I was given a new uniform that wasn't ripped.

After Bakugo had released me All Might found me and took me to a separate room and told me to stay and wait there until he got back. He informed me that he had to go make a few calls and that he would be back shortly.

I sat on the Comfy leather sofa just staring down at my now healed hands, I could still feel the burns even though they weren't there. I couldn't stop the images replaying in my head.

I almost killed someone, I cried twice in front of 2 boys, the man who haunts my nightmares won't leave me alone. I don't even know if he was actually there or not. I could be losing my mind for all I know. I..... I think I'm giving in to my demons. My Darkness. That cold sensation that I felt, was not normal.

I looked up hearing the door to the room open. In front of me was All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, the same police officer who questioned me when I woke up in the hospital, Aizawa, and President Nezu.

I sat up straight and eyed the men in front of me. My body seemed to immediately go on alert.

They all took a seat in the leather chairs around me.

I squirmed a bit in my spot. I mean who wouldn't. I was sitting in a room with the top 3 heroes. What could they possibly want?

I eyed them with caution. "its alright, we're not going to do anything to you except ask you some questions." Nezu smiled at me. " I hope that's alright with you"

I didn't speak, just nodded my head.

"You need to tell us everything about you. I looked up your file. It said you weren't born with a quirk so how do you have one. Are you a spy for the villains?!" the cop leaned forward his eyes digging into my eyes. Full of Accusations.

I stiffened, All Might looked like he was about to cut in but held his tongue at the last minute.

Me a spy? He has to be kidding!

I took in a deep breath and clenched my eyes shut. "Do we have-" I was cut off.

" you're not leaving this room till we get answers" the cop snapped.

Are all cops asses?!

"Hey, take it easy on her, she's just a kid." Hawks snapped at him his eyes narrowed.

I smiled at him in thanks before looking down at my hands. This needed to be done. I glanced up at them coldly.

"Your right, I was born without a Quirk. My whole family didn't have one." I then went on to explain everything. How my father and mother had an arranged marriage, how he beat and tortured my family. How my family was murdered, how Jiraiya saved, and trained me. Then how I got my quirk.

They were all shocked as they heard the sad story that was my life.

"but that's not all." I took a deep breath as they stared at me intensely.

"Im dying" this shocked all of them. They would find out somehow. Probably from my doctor.

My hand raised to my chest and clutched the fabric of my clothes. "This cancer I have. It can't be cured, for the last couple of years, it's been pretty dormant. But as of recently, it's getting worse. I don't know how much time I have left, I'm still waiting for the call" I watched all their reactions.

"There has to be something we can do?" even though All Might had his signature giant smile on, but he still looked sad and concerned. Almost as if he understood.

"Even if there is. I don't want to be saved"

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