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Published 12/7/2020

I felt almost at peace being back at U.A. It was strange really.

" This is field gamma!" All Might exclaimed gesturing to the large area behind him.

" A dense area filled with factories laid out like an intricate labyrinth. You'll break up into three 5-person groups and 1 6-person group and go through the training one group at a time. When I send out a distress signal from somewhere inside, you'll all start at once from the outskirts of the city! It's a race to see who will rescue me first! Of course, you'll have to keep damage to buildings to a minimum." He pointed at Katsuki at the last part.

" all right, first group, get in place!" All Might exclaimed.

I walked to my position, getting ready.

I stretched my limbs and shook out my arms and legs.

" OK, here we go! Start!" Horns went off.

I jumped off of one of the pipes and gracefully ran along with them. With my speed, I was moving along quickly.

I wasn't going my fastest not wanting to overstress my body. I focus my Strength into my legs and pushed myself up. At this height, I could easily make out where All Might was.

I spotted Izuku ahead of me moving quickly. Oh hell Nah!

I quickened my speed and with one giant leap, I was in front of Izuku.

"Hahaha sorry! I don't like to Lose Izuku" I called back over my shoulder as I ran along with one of the high pipes.

All Might had his back to me. I smiled evilly and I rocketed myself forward and slammed into his back making him skid across the floor face first.

"Gah!... Galveston?!" All Might gasped as I sat on his back.

"Sup big guy" I patted his back as I stood up.

Once All Might stood up "Finished!!!" His voice echoed throughout the area.

Once everyone else arrived All Might held out a red and white sash. In black writing, it said " thanks for saving me"

" thank you! And congratulations." He put the sash on me.


The rest of my competitors groan and moan about their loss behind me. 

" Young Galveston came in first but compared to the beginning of the year, you've all gotten a lot better at using your quirks. Keep going like this and start preparing for your final exam!" All Might praised.

" Group one, you can now leave the field. Next group, get ready!" He called out.

Before walking over to Izuku.

Izuku surprised me a lot. He's grown so much. And his movements were very similar to Gran Torino and Katsuki.

As I made it back to my classmates they all praised and complimented me.

Kirishima slapped his hand on my shoulder before bringing me into a hug lifting me off my feet. "Hahaha I knew you would win"

I patted his exposed chest with a thanks before walking away from him.

It's been a very exciting year. I've grown a lot and have learned so many new things.

I've changed but one thing will always stay the same. I looked up at the sky, I'm going after Jiraiya. And nothing and nobody is going to stop me.

I won't stop until one of us is left standing. One will rise and the other will fall.

I will have my revenge and nothing is going to get in my way.

A Storm Is Coming

I Am That Storm.

Anything that gets in my way will be destroyed.

---- Somewhere ----

"Damn it!" glass flew everywhere as the white-haired man threw glass test tubes off his desk. Smashing into tiny pieces on the floor.

"Nothing is working!" he slammed his fist down on the table in front of him.

"I don't have time for this! I have to be missing something!" he walked over to the multiple piles of scattered books. Grabbing a random one he began to flip through its pages.

"ive tried everything!" he angrily threw the book across the room a few pages scattering across the floor as they ripped.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he spotted a very old picture. He slowly made his way over and carefully picked it up.

It was a picture of two young males dressed in casual clothing. The younger one had brown hair and was leaning over the older boy with a giant smile on his face.

The older male had slightly spikey white hair and had a bright smile on his face as he held up the other boy. A very faint blush on both boy's faces.

A single tear slid down the male's face as he stared at the picture in his hand. He made no motion to wipe it away.

"Andrew... I don't know what to do" a silent sob escaped past his lips.

"I wished you didn't make me do this"

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