
406 16 3

Published 9/21/19

The officer soon left leaving just the four of us.  "So how are you feeling?" Principle nezu asked walking closer to me causing me to look down at him.  "I'm alright,  recovery girl said that I could leave tommorow" I stated.

"What you did at UPJ was very impressive but also very dangerous.  Your only a student and a first year at that.  You can't take villians on like that on your own" All Might said walking to stand next to my bed. 

I nodded looking up at him.  "But your quirk is so cool! Just gotta get it under control.  With more training I know you will be an amazing hero one day" All Might stated with a thumbs up and his giant blinding smile.

I nodded and let out a small yawn.  "I think we should leave her be,  it is late" Aziawa stated. All Might and the Nezu nodded as the bidded me goodnight.  Soon leaving the room.  And myself to my own thoughts.

I had gotten up early the next day being careful with my injuries and bandages. I had gotten my uniform on by myself surprisingly. Recovery girl had came to me earlier and told me that I was allowed to go back to school as long as I was careful and did not overstress my body.

She was even kind enough to drive me to school so I didn't have to walk the long way.

I stood outside the 1-A classroom door. Something seemed off I could tell from standing in the hall. There was this Aura coming from the classroom it was depressing to say the least.  My heart clenched in anticipation.  Taking a deep breath in,  I knocked on the door.

"Come in" Aizawa's lazy voice called through the door.  Slowly I open the door and stepped in.

Multiple Collective gasps echoed through the room. 



My eyes scanned my classmates. Many faces were full of shock and tears.  But my face stayed stoic.  Bakugou shot up out of his seat slamming his hands on his desk.  His eyes were wide with disbelief.  "There's no fucking way that your Maria"he growled using my first name.

"Oh, and how do you know that" I asked him to see his reaction.

"Maria is dead,  she was dead in my arms so don't you fucking think I would know that your not her" he raged. 

He then pointed a finger at me.  "I bet you're one of those low-life villains pretending to be her.  You basterd!" He launed him self over his desk at me aiming for my face with a punch.

But to everyone shock,  I dodged his punch and wrapped my arms around him.  Hugging him tightly around the waist.  Hiding my face in his neck. His body going stiff in shock.  "It's me you idiot, I'm alive" I whispered, I felt bakugou shiver and then large muscular arms wrapped around me pulling me tightly against him.  His face digging into my shoulder. 

"You idiot,  what the fuck were you thinking" he whispered.  Slightly shaking.  "Sorry" I managed back. He was slightly shaking trying to hold himself together.  It's strange,  I'd thought he hated me until now.

Soon I was pulled out of his arms and into another muscular chest.  Feeling tears on my shoulder.  I wrapped my arms around kirishima digging my face into his neck.  "Your alive, your alive" he whispered over and over again trying to reassure himself that I was real.  "Yes, I'm alive, it's ok kirishima" I soothed running my fingers through his hair. Feeling the soft spikes run through my fingers.

When I pulled away from kirishima I was then pulled into a giant group hug by all my classmates.  All the girls in my class were sobbing and crying hanging on to me as if I would disappear at any moment.

Along with the girls midoriya held a very tight grip on me refusing to let Go until he knew I wasn't going anywhere.

" all right. That's enough you emotional teenagers we still have a lot to get done.  This is still a school" Aizawa called out.  All my classmates went back to their seats but not before Giveing me one last hug before they did.

"Now Galveston you can go take your seat" Aizawa told me.  Just as I started down the aisle he called out to me again. "it's good to have you back and well" he said in his normal lazy voice.

" it's good to be back Sensei and you too" I gave a nod before taking my seat.

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